Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter October 2015

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding areas since 1975 OCTOBER 2015 Trick-or-Treat! Resident Halloween Party Friday, Oct. 30 Handing out Treats to Children from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct.31 Each year, our residents love seeing the little ghosts and goblins that come trick-or-treating at our facility. The children go door to door and collect candy supplied by the facility and residents’ families. Photos from Halloween 2014 Left: Margaret Dixon gets snuggles from Bev Duncan’s grandson, Josiah Skelton. Right: Kelli Ratliff with her twins, Kayleigh and Kyler Johnston. L A KE STO CKTO N H E AL T HC A RE F A C IL IT Y PO BO X 945 ST O C KT O N, M O e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ 6 5 7 8 5 -0945 ( 417) 276 - 5126 F A X ( 417 )276 - 6 2 2 2 A D M INIST RAT IO N: KE V IN CO ST EL L O , A D M INI ST RATO R C A RRIE ME E KS, D IRE C TO R OF NU RSING LSHCF prepares for 2015 MSHA Dist. IV Golden Age Games The 2015 Golden Age Games will be held at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar on Friday, Oct. 16. Events begin at 9:30 a.m. and will conclude around 2 p.m. Competitions in crafts, horse shoe toss, basketball throw, soccer kick, cow milking, trivia and bingo, earn points for individuals and team scores. Live music and lunch are included at the event. We have been practicing for the games and preparing crafts for the competition. Left: Barbara Hobbs smiles at the double leaner she pitched while practicing the horseshoe toss. It doesn’t earn as many points as a double ringer, but is more difficult to accomplish! It is so rare that we’ve never seen it done before. RH O ND A C UL BE RT SO N, BIL L ING CO ORD INA TO R D E BRA STO CKT O N, SO C IAL SE RV IC E S SU ZA NNE COX, E NV IRO NM E NT A L SE RV ICE S PA M C HISM , NU T RIT IO NAL SE RV IC ES C H E RYL A HL ERS, A C T IV ITY D IRE C TO R LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!!!