Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter March 2018

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding area since 1975 M ARCH 2018 Gifts from the Heart! Contributions to the activity fund in memory of Mary John Cowan were put to good use. Ryan seasoned the new grill with bacon at our annual winter BBQ on January 19. The grill was the first item purchased with these generous do- nations. LAK E S TOCKTO N H EAL THCAR E FAC IL ITY PO BOX 945 STO CKTO N, MO 65785-0945 417-276- 5126 F AX 417 -276 -6222 e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ ADM I NIS TRAT IO N: K EVI N COST ELLO , ADM I NIS TRATOR CARRI E ME EKS, DIR ECTOR O F NURSI NG We purchased a new rubber bowling ball. Betty Oldham, Herman Thornton and others had no problem throwing strikes and picking up spares on Feb. 6 and 13. A padded Boccia Ball set and new bingo cards were also added to the activity games. The bright new cards are easier to play. Pat and Susie and many others have enjoyed many games of Boccia Ball fun! We follow the basic rules for some games, then add a twist, suggest- ed by Sylvia Zitting. We also play a few rounds of a game we invented, following similar strategies of marbles. Our sincere thanks go out to all who gave! We are still taking precautions! DO NOT VISIT IF: You are under 15 years of age or you are experiencing flu like symptoms such as: Fever higher than 100.5 degrees F, cough, congestion, headache, mus- cle aches, joint pain, loss of appetite, runny nose or sore throat, you have been in contact with a person with flu like symptoms. If you are sick, stay away until 24 hours after symptoms resolve or 7 days after the onset of the illness (whichever is the longest) before visiting. Thank you for helping to prevent the spread of the flu and other bugs! CATR ENA MART I N, BUS INESS O FF IC E D EBRA S TOCKTO N, SOC IAL S ERV IC ES SUZA NNE COX, E NV IRO NME NTAL SER VIC ES CH ELS IE HUDSO N, NUTR IT IO NAL SER VIC ES CH ERYL AHLERS , AC TI VI TY D IREC TOR RYA N K EI TH , MA I NT ENA NC E “ LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK!!!