Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter July 2018

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding area since 1975 Happy Independence Day! Wednesday, July 4 J ULY 2018 LAK E S TOCKTO N We will have watermelon in the southwest courtyard in the evening while we wait for it to get dark enough to enjoy the fireworks. H EAL THCAR E FAC IL ITY The National Long Term Care Week Farmer Day STO CKTO N, MO Bonnie Stansbury let Blanche Cowan cuddle her kittens. Billie Felker got to pet Cheryl’s Arabian mare and the hen with 5 baby turkeys and 3 baby chicks, that she hatched, made a tour inside the facility for Chris Hudson, Patsy Pierson and others to see. 65785-0945 PO BOX 945 417-276- 5126 F AX 417 -276 - 6222 e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ ADM I NIS TRAT IO N: K EVI N COST ELLO , ADM I NIS TRATOR CARRI E ME EKS, DIR ECTOR O F NURSI NG CATR ENA MART I N, BUS INESS O FF IC E D EBRA S TOCKTO N, SOC IAL S ERV IC ES Sharon Newton won $50 in Chicken Bingo! The banty hen picked Sharon’s square on the board! SUZA NNE COX, E NV IRO NME NTAL SER VIC ES CH ELS IE HUDSO N, NUTR IT IO NAL SER VIC ES CH ERYL AHLERS , AC TI VI TY D IREC TOR RYA N K EI TH , MA I NT ENA NC E Elvis is in...The Library! Susie Smith danced with Elvis, a.k.a. Ken Roberts. Linda Pronold posed with him and our whole crew, Todd, Cora, Billie, Linda, Katy, Sharon, Juanita, Mary Ellen, Sylvia and Pat enjoyed his music and antics. “ LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK!!!