Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter January 2020 | Page 2

January Birthdays Resident 6 Bobbie Ford 6 Phyllis Unruh 2019 Nutritional Services Team These amazing employees prepared the traditional meal for the Employee Ap- preciation Holiday Luncheon on Dec. 5. Left to right, Dietary Manager Chelsie Hudson, Dominique Frausto, Lynn Allen, Kristine Bredvick, Whis- per Cain, Mike Witulski, Cathy Elliston and Aletha Stevens. They deserve our praise and thanks for a job well done all year long! (Not present are Merry McCarty and Tabatha Davis.) Staff 13 17 18 20 20 29 31 Patty Barber Natalie Peach Charlene Mulloy Anna Flora Pat Langford Suzanne Cox Betty Tompkins Welcome New Residents Frances Breshears Gene Harvey Jerry Hightower Marti Seale Carlene Sensenbrenner Ernie Redger Bear Bait Rose Beverly Spencer With Sympathy We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of: Rose Hightower James Kimbro John Stout Thank You To: Auctioneers Joe Haines, Donnie Oldham and Roger Hamby for offering their professional talents at our annual auction. All the Staff, Family and Friends who donated items for our Christmas Auction Stockton Middle School ARROW Club for decorating our Christmas trees in the Memory Care Unit and to the Stockton High School students that provid- ed the homemade ornaments. Jacky Vincent for playing piano for our Staff Holiday Apprecia- tion Party on Dec. 5 and for the Christmas serenade on the key- board in the Memory Care Unit. Bolivar Church of Christ and F. Lowers Greenhouse for donating a live poinsettia for every resi- dent. The Christmas Caroling Groups: The Noot Family The 4-H Group John Warner Thank you to Morgan Koke for sharing her Siberian Husky pups with us! Betty Jo Smith and Syl- via Zitting loved the snuggles! Online Access to LSHCF Newsletter If you would like to receive the LSHCF newsletter electronically, please call Cheryl Ahlers, Activi- ty Director, at 417-276-5126. It’s a great way to stay informed on upcoming events. For updates, photos and the activities calendar, be sure to “Like” us on Facebook!