Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter February 2018

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding area since 1975 F EBUARY 2 0 1 8 Happy Valentines Day! We Salute our Couples on this Special Day LAK E S TOCKTO N H EAL THCAR E FAC IL ITY May 3, 1946 Bob and Betty Oldham Oct. 26, 1941 Gene and Chris Hudson PO BOX 945 STO CKTO N, MO 65785-0945 417-276- 5126 June 6, 1948 Faye and Herman Thornton F AX 417 -276 -6222 e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ ADM I NIS TRAT IO N: Dec. 19, 1958 Jack and Elizibeth Zerkle Nov.15, 1964 Dale and Edna Hornbeck K EVI N COST ELLO , ADM I NIS TRATOR CARRI E ME EKS, DIR ECTOR O F NURSI NG CATR ENA MART I N, BUS INESS O FF IC E April 21, 1984 Donnie and Linda Allen Don Clark and Jacky Vincent 1st Waltz 2008 D EBRA S TOCKTO N, SOC IAL S ERV IC ES SUZA NNE COX, E NV IRO NME NTAL SER VIC ES Blake Waterhouse & Kathryn Murphy Feb. 14, 2016 CH ELS IE HUDSO N, NUTR IT IO NAL SER VIC ES CH ERYL AHLERS , AC TI VI TY D IREC TOR RYA N K EI TH , MA I NT ENA NC E DO NOT VISIT IF: You are under 15 years of age or you are expe- riencing flu like symptoms such as: Fever higher than 100.5 degrees F, cough, congestion, headache, mus- cle aches, joint pain, loss of appetite, runny nose or sore throat, you have been in contact with a person with flu like symptoms. If you are sick, stay away until 24 hours after symptoms resolve or 7 days after the onset of the illness (whichever is the longest) before visiting. Thank you for helping to prevent the spread of the flu and other bugs! “ LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK!!!