Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter December 2019 | Page 2

December Birthdays Resident 1 Alba Camp- bell 3 Todd Kinnard 3 Molly Lyons 3 Tom Norris 18 Don Cobb Staff 1 1 2 7 14 21 28 Cheryl Ahlers Merry McCarty Kelly Wildie Adam Brower Ashley Graham Ryan Keith Loyd Stockton Welcome New Residents Jim Burns Carl Cassell Duane Graves Clinton Minix Dana Murray Lola Neal Ralph Peavey Rosia Wilburn With Sympathy We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of: Hermina Clever Joyce Hale Doris Helzel Gloria McLaughlin Christmas Celebrations LSHCF Employee Appreciation Holiday Luncheon December 5, Our amazing Nutritional Services team will provide the noon meal and residents will have a sack lunch served in their rooms or therapy suite with supervi- sion and assistance as needed. Our Employee of the Year will be announced at this event. The Annual Christmas Auction is scheduled for Wednes- day, Dec. 11 at 2 p.m. This is one of our residents’ favorite events. We encourage donations of items to be auc- tioned off by professional auctioneers, Joe Haines and Donnie Oldham. Every resident has $200 of Auction Funny Money to spend. They bid on items as if they are at a real auction. The items are theirs to keep, give as gifts, or use as desired. Some of our favorite items for the Auction are decorative socks with grippies on the bottoms, lipstick and nail polish, tins of Christmas cookies, popcorn, mixed nuts and assort- ed chocolates, personal CD players, postage stamps, large stuffed animals and wallets. We can no longer ac- cept fleece blankets that are not fire resistant for the safety of our residents. Thank You To: All the Staff, Family and Friends who brought the chil- dren by to Trick or Treat for Halloween in the facility. Halloween Candy Donations: Woods Supermarket Dollar General Abby’s Burlap Bucket Woody’s Fast Stop Stockton Lake Elks Lodge for the goody bags for our veter- ans. Stockton Middle School ARROW Club for creating the awesome Jack-o-Lanterns. Stockton Grade School for reading Halloween stories to our residents in October. The Calico Clippers Quilt Guild for making the lap robes for our veterans. Online Access to LSHCF Newsletter If you would like to receive the LSHCF newsletter electronically, please call Cheryl Ahlers, Activi- ty Director, at 417-276-5126. It’s a great way to stay informed on upcoming events. For updates, photos and the activities calendar, be sure to “Like” us on Facebook!