Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter December 2015

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding areas since 1975 DECEMBER 2015 LSHCF Resident Christmas Party and Activities Our December calendar is packed full of special activities. There is time set aside on the activity schedule to assist residents in sending Christmas cards out. In order to accomplish this goal, we could use addresses and postage. If anyone has a friend or family in the active military, we would like names and addresses to send cards and care packages out to them for Christmas. On Wednesday, Dec. 23 at 2 p.m., we will be playing Christmas Bingo. For an additional surprise, Residents can win prizes that will be Christmas wrapped. Thursday, Dec. 24 at 2 p.m., is our Christmas Party with snacks and entertainment provided by the staff and a visit from Santa. On Christmas Morning, Santa’s Helpers will be here to help deliver presents to every resident. If you have a gift you would like held until Christmas morning, please mark it Attention Debra. If you have items that you bring in and want us to deliver Christmas morning, see Debra or Cheryl. Pre-labeling gifts with residents names is extremely helpful to ensure that new things are returned to the proper residents. Merry Christmas to all of our friends and loved ones! L A KE STO CKTO N H E AL T HC A RE F A C IL IT Y PO BO X 945 ST O C KT O N, M O e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ 6 5 7 8 5 -0945 ( 417) 276 - 5126 F A X ( 417 )276 - 6 2 2 2 A D M INIST RAT IO N: KE V IN CO ST EL L O , A D M INI ST RATO R C A RRIE ME E KS, D IRE C TO R OF NU RSING RH O ND A C UL BE RT SO N, BIL L ING CO ORD INA TO R Christmas Auction Tuesday, December 22, 2:00 p.m. Once again Joe Haines and Donnie Oldham have agreed to call the famous and much anticipated Annual Christmas Auction. Each resident participating in this activity is given $200 of LSHCF Funny Money to bid on items of choice at the auction. All items are donated and residents may do what ever they wish with the items they purchase. If you would like to donate to this event, simply drop off the items in the activity room before the auction day. Some of our favorite treasures include lotions, jewelry, wallets, sugar-free and regular candy, potpourri and animated or musical toys. D E BRA STO CKT O N, SO C IAL SE RV IC E S SU ZA NNE COX, E NV IRO NM E NT A L SE RV ICE S PA M C HISM , NU T RIT IO NAL SE RV IC ES C H E RYL A HL ERS, A C T IV ITY D IRE C TO R RYA N KE IT H , M A INTE NA NCE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!!!