Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter August 2016

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding area since 1975 A UGUST 20 1 6 LSHCF County Fair ~ August 12 For decades, the LSHCF County Fair has been a highlight of our summers. We rent the dunk tank from the El Dorado Springs Optimist Club and residents line up to drop selected staff into the water. We have a cork gun shoot to win stuffed toys and snow cones of all flavors. The fun begins at 2 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 12. Photos highlight past County Fairs. L A KE STO CKTO N H E AL T HC A RE F A C IL IT Y PO BO X 945 ST O C KT O N, M O e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ 6 5 7 8 5 -0945 ( 417) 276 - 5126 F A X ( 417)276 - 6 2 2 2 A D M INIST RAT IO N: KE V IN CO ST EL L O , A D M INIST RATO R Zula Oldham enjoys a purple snow cone. Billie Felker dropped Catrena into the dunk tank more than once! C A RRIE ME E KS, D IRE C TO R OF NU RSING C A T RE NA MA RT IN, BU SINE SS O FF IC E D E BRA STO CKT O N, SO C IAL SE RV IC E S Prizes from the cork gun shoot give bragging rights to Annav Gabriel (Left), Alba Campbell (Right) and many others. Ol’ Dead-Eye, Mary John Cowan, squints, takes aim and wins a stuffed animal as Mercy looks on. SU ZA NNE COX, E NV IRO NM E NT A L SE RV ICE S PA M C HISM , NU T RIT IO NAL SE RV IC ES C H E RYL A HL ERS, A C T IV ITY D IRE C TO R RYA N KE IT H , M A INTE NA NCE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!!!