Laguna Beach Magazine November 2022 LBM111XDIGITALMAG_10.22 | Page 82

Last Impressions / Deana Duffek



Deana Duffek


D eana Duffek has visited nearly every continent , but Laguna Beach is the only place she wants to call home . After growing up in Texas and attending college in Georgia , she moved to Laguna two decades ago after falling in love with this “ quintessential , cozy beach community ” while visiting an aunt nearby .

“ It is a town full of artists and designers and I am an artist and designer , so … when I moved to Laguna , it was kind of like , ‘ Oh my God , I found my people ,’ ” she recalls . “… Plus it ’ s the eclectic group of people that live here . You don ’ t know the difference between the artist and the billionaire , and I just love that everyone ’ s so respectful and kind and we still foster that sense of art and individuality here .”
Duffek became involved in home design at a young age with family members working in the industry . She went on to study interior architecture , earned a master ’ s degree in leadership studies and has worked in brand development and licensing for businesses and organizations like Anheuser-Busch , The National Wildlife Federation , SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment and the Wyland Foundation .
When it comes to interior design , she focuses mostly on luxury homes in coastal OC , but also works on some commercial projects , which bring together her design and branding expertise . “ I feel like you need to look at a brand in totality ,” she says .
Duffek is also passionate about giving back : Her nonprofit , Design With Purpose , creates healing environments for kids or families in need . The projects are funded through philanthropic support and by selling high-end materials removed during home renovations . The organization partners with Children ’ s Hospital of Orange County and the Orange County Department of Education to create WellSpaces in schools . Locally , she teamed up with the Boys & Girls Club of Laguna Beach to create a WellSpace for the teen loft , set to be completed this fall .
The nonprofit uses trauma-informed design techniques when choosing colors and furniture styles as well as adding sensory play and therapeutic stations to teach mindful movement , breathwork or art therapy . Calm spaces are desperately needed , she says , as teens are struggling with mental health issues and suicides are up considerably .
Duffek also has a few new projects on the horizon . Her office is moving from Glenneyre Street to North Coast Highway near Jasmine Street , where she ’ s opening an interior design showroom in the former Fetneh Blake space by the end of November .
And she ’ s starting up a podcast with the same name as her nonprofit . Launching this fall , “ Design With Purpose ” will explore the connectivity between wellness and design while also touching on trends , the history behind certain styles , the psychology of well-designed spaces , color theory , the design-build process and more , weaving together personal experience , research and discussion with guests from designers and architects to trauma-informed design experts and educators . It will be available through Apple Podcasts , Spotify , iHeart and other platforms .
Read on to learn more about Duffek , who is often spotted in town with rescue yorkiepoo Charlie Angel .
LAGUNA BEACH MAGAZINE : What home design trends have you noticed recently ? DEANA DUFFEK : We are big fans of bringing nature in and biophilic design . We ’ ve always designed that way , … but it ’ s interesting to see that biophilic design is a little bit more on trend right now .
LBM : What inspires you ? DD : Being in nature inspires me . … Other artists inspire me [ and ] being around really good architects and people in my business that I admire and respect . … [ Also ,] living in Laguna . … It ’ s so magical and beautiful . Every day , I ’ m like , “ I can ’ t believe I get to live here .” … [ Also ,] music and art , nature … and traveling .
LBM : Do you have a favorite travel spot ? DD : Barcelona . … Spain has so much beautiful architecture , … but it ’ s also the people and the culture and the way that they live and the food , the music , the art . … They seem to have a real appreciation and understanding of life and work-life balance .
LBM : Go-to restaurant in Laguna ? DD : Broadway [ by Amar Santana ]. I love the food . I really enjoy the entire experience . It is nice to sit at the chef ’ s table and enjoy all the fun things they send your way .
LBM : Any hobbies ? DD : I like to cycle and I like to play beach volleyball . I am [ also ] a Sawdust [ Art Festival ] artist , so painting in my spare time keeps me busy . I also love music [ and ] going to live shows . I ’ m also a reiki master and yogi . /