Laguna Beach Magazine November 2022 LBM111XDIGITALMAG_10.22 | Page 41

Above and right : Dogs greet each other at the Laguna Beach Dog Park .
one for big dogs and a smaller one for little furry friends .
“ The natural environment of the canyon is one [ reason the park has been so popular ], and obviously that helps to preserve open space , which is a dwindling commodity in Southern California ,” Buchan says .
Buchan , who has lived in Laguna Beach for around 20 years , visits the park nearly every evening with his 4-year-old pups , two sisters he was fostering until they stole his heart . Before that , he frequented the park with his previous pet starting in 2003 , though he didn ’ t take a seat on the board until 2020 .
“ It ’ s really a well-used , natural gem in our community and an absolute lifeline for dog owners — especially those with large to medium-sized dogs , because they have the space to play and socialize and get their energy out ,” Buchan explains .
Larry Lewis and Jean Fallowfield , local residents and dog owners who also frequent the park daily , note that it ’ s a great respite no matter the situation . “ It ’ s the best place to go and relax when my dog is not bugging me — and play with my dog when she is — and there ’ s no more beautiful park in all of Southern California ,” Fallowfield says .
“ With Calypso , our border collie , that dog ’ s got to run ,” Lewis adds . “ She can try to chase and herd all the other dogs there .”
Another thing the couple loves about the space is how friendly and respectful everyone is , always eager to chitchat and clean up after their pets . And , Lewis says , during the COVID-19 pandemic , it was great because everyone kept their distance and he was able to replace his beach and gym workouts with laps around the dog park .
Larry Lewis with his border collie , Calypso
Over the years , the park has changed , of course . But Fallowfield and Lewis , who have been coming to the park for decades , say it has only improved . “ Young trees are turning into mature trees , which give wonderful shade ,” Fallowfield notes .” … It just gets better because the trees get better . And the maintenance is great . You can ’ t do much about dogs tearing up the lawn , but they manage to keep it as good as they can .”
In addition , most shady spots have been incorporated through the addition of picnic tables with umbrellas . The space has been enlarged as well , providing even more room for dogs to run and play .
In honor of the 30th anniversary , a special celebration was held Oct . 22 at the dog park , with the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce presenting two special certificates to mark the milestone : one for the park itself and one to Friends of Laguna Beach Dog Park . Those in attendance enjoyed
Friends of Laguna Beach Dog Park President Marc Buchan with his rescue dogs
complimentary coffee from local roaster Jedidiah Coffee , limited edition goodie bags and dog park membership deals .
“ Members can take advantage of certain discounts and coupons that we work with local businesses to get ,” Buchan adds . “… We want to be in a symbiotic relationship with local businesses , make them aware of the park [ and ] give them a large customer base .”
Here ’ s to the park ’ s next 30 years and the many dogs who will wander its beautiful space in that time . g