Laguna Beach Magazine May 2023 | Page 49

With the help of technology , outdoor spaces can serve as both a place to work ( right ) and entertain ( bottom ).
ZIVICA KERKEZ / SHUTTERSTOCK . COM gatherings , especially at night , and some digital programs allow users to save their preferences to suit different moods like soft light for a romantic dinner or brighter light for an evening workspace . All of these can be controlled through an app .
“ All the lights , for example , come programmable in your phone in any color , so you can change the theme of your backyard ,” Laughton explains . “… You can have it preprogrammed so you just push a button and don ’ t need to adjust a dimmer switch on the wall .”
Outdoor technology is also typically waterproof and wireless for both safety and convenience .
OUTDOOR OFFICES AND ALFRESCO KITCHENS With more people working from home than ever , opting for an outdoor office has become an increasingly popular exterior design trend . A weatherproof table and chairs make for the ideal place to set up a laptop and , with the right connection , homeowners can tap into their Wi-Fi network from anywhere on their property .
“[ Most properties include ] a central location in the house where everything is hard-wired . Then a wireless box in that central location is used to communicate with every device in the house —[ and outside ]— including TVs ,” Laughton says , noting this may require the installation of Wi-Fi boosters depending on the size of one ’ s property . “… The days of the cable wires being run to every room are over .”
Not only are homeowners working