Active / Pickleball
Getting into a Pickle
F or the last five years , pickleball has been the fastest growing sport in the United States , and for good reason — everyone is welcome , no matter your age or experience level . Marc Freije , a local coach certified by the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association and the Professional Pickleball Registry , has played in multiple U . S . Open Pickleball Championships , where he won medals in men ’ s doubles and mixed doubles .
Now Freije helps others gain an appreciation for the sport . Here , learn about pickleball while getting a feel for what to expect in his classes at Alta Laguna and Lang Parks .
Pickleball instructor Marc Freije demonstrating a forehand punch volley
LAGUNA BEACH MAGAZINE : What is the history of pickleball ? MARC FREIJE : Pickleball was … invented on Bainbridge Island , Washington , in 1965 . A family … lowered the [ ir ] badminton net until it touched the ground , grabbed some pingpong paddles and a whiffle ball , and began playing mini tennis back and forth across the net — and , voila , pickleball was born .
LBM : Does it differ from tennis ? MF : Pickleball is a cross between tennis , badminton and pingpong . The game of singles in pickleball is actually more similar to tennis . Most players prefer playing doubles , which involves four players . Doubles pickleball is predominantly played up at the net where the game is somewhat like playing pingpong standing on the table . Soft shots , which are called dinks , as well as volleys , which are struck out of the air , are the shots most used once the players get to the net .
LBM : Why is it so popular ? MF : First , it is much easier to play than tennis and much easier on your body . [ And ] the pickleball court is much smaller than a tennis court . … It is [ also ] a very social sport , which tends to attract players to the game . … Anyone can learn to play the sport in just a couple of hours , regardless of their age or athletic ability .
LBM : What are some challenges of the sport ? MF : I truly believe that the most challenging aspect of the game is the scoring followed by where to position yourself on the court , if you are the serving team or the receiving team . This seems to give beginners the most trouble . The other challenge … is the innate fear of the net that most players experience . The goal is to work your way up to the net as quickly as possible , … [ but ] most players are uncomfortable with balls coming at them with speed when they are up at the net . The quickest way to get over the fear … is to have your paddle up in the proper ready position and be laser-focused on the incoming ball .
LBM : Could you walk us through one of your classes ? MF : I I offer classes for all level of players , from the absolute beginner to the avid player . The classes are one-hour in duration and go for four consecutive weeks . In the beginner class , we start with a brief history of the sport followed by demonstrating the proper grip when holding your paddle . Next , we will bounce a few balls on our paddles to get the feel of the ball striking the paddle . Soon thereafter , we will be hitting soft dinks back and forth over the net to each other while standing up at the nonvolley zone line , commonly known as “ The Kitchen .” Toward the end of the first session , we will learn the proper technique of serving and all class participants will be serving balls over the net by the end of the first hour .
[ In ] the next one-hour session , we will again work on the serve , hit a few more dinks , then work on volleys and also hit some ground strokes , which are used for the return of serve . I ask all of my beginner students to watch a short YouTube video on scoring so we don ’ t take up class time . … By the end of the third one-hour class , we will actually play some games . Traditionally , the last class of the four-class session will be spent playing games , working on scoring and positioning , and … just having fun .
LBM : What advice do you have for those just starting out ? MF : Pickleball is social , really fun and easy to learn . You do not need to be a super athlete to play and have fun . Get a paddle and a ball and … give it a try . … The equipment necessary to play the game is affordable and readily available online [ or ] at your local sporting goods store .