“ This year , we will be a little bit more assertive with our message that we feel the world is changing . … I don ’ t think we ’ ve ever talked about climate change very openly as a museum ,” Lee notes .
Though pieces that are commissioned for Art & Nature are typically only shown for the weekend , “ The Sea Around Us ” will be on display into February of next year , along with another piece being added during the festival : “ The Big One ” by the late Robert Young , co-founder of Sawdust Art Festival . At a whopping 9 feet tall , the title is accurate as can be , and the large
Children view sea life at the Family Festival . |
canvas is filled with coral reefs and sea creatures .
This year ’ s keynote speaker , marine biologist and oceanographer Sylvia Earle , will give a lecture Nov . 4 on the health of the ocean . “ Her talk will be on the positive side — on the [ problem ] solving , not just talking about the difficulties that the ocean is experiencing ,” Lee adds .
In addition , the museum will host the Art & Nature Party that same night , with the launch of Méndez ’ s artwork , live music , cocktails and more . “ We wanted to create an evening that still benefits the museum — still supports our initiatives — but is more accessible to the community ,” she says . “… It will just be a time to gather together , enjoy the exhibitions and really celebrate the community ’ s commitment to nature .”
On the final day , Nov . 6 , guests can also enjoy the Family Festival — which is taking place at and around the museum instead of simply indoors . “ We ’ re … [ creating ] an itinerary so that you can come and do a workshop at noon , or maybe at 12:30 you want to participate in a dance , or at 1 o ’ clock you want to take an exploratory walk ,” Lee explains .
MAKING AN IMPACT While Art & Nature has always been a grand affair , the museum is taking it above and beyond in 2022 — with hopes of expanding even more in
coming years . “ We ’ re casting a pretty broad net to see who might want to come and participate ,” Lee notes . In fact , the Art & Nature festival committee , made up of museum board members and local community members , is already hard at work seeking artists for next year ’ s event .
“ It ’ s fascinating to me to bring … so many high-level , problem-solving people , either through the sciences or the arts , who are addressing [ problems ] today ,” Lee says . “… The arts can bring messaging to a much broader audience in a way that ’ s not aggressive or confrontational , but thoughtful and eye-opening , so [ it ] feels good to be able to do that .”
Of course , there are plenty in town ready and willing to take part . A number of galleries host simultaneous shows with nature-inspired works throughout the month of November , and the museum is in talks with Coast Film & Music Festival , which takes place Nov . 9-13 , to offer cross-programming , as both organizations support artists working in nature .
“ We feel really grateful that we ’ re in an artsdriven community and really proud that so many people are able to make their living and share their artwork with the people who come to Laguna Beach , so [ partnering with galleries ] is a win-win ,” she says . “… Together , we ’ re making up one positive , artistic , creative ecosystem .” g