Laguna Beach Magazine Fall 2022 | Page 30

Fabric of the Community / Ability Awareness Project


It ’ s Cool to Be Kind

The Ability Awareness Project , including founder Shadi Pourkashef ( front ), who goes by Anami , in the local Patriots Day Parade

K indness is a virtue and , unfortunately , one that not everyone easily cultivates . After her son experienced horrible levels of harassment during his time in the local school system , Shadi Pourkashef — who goes simply by Anami — made it her mission to combat bullying and promote kindness amongst students , educators and parents . Then , in 2012 , she founded the nonprofit Ability Awareness Project to elevate her efforts .

“ I ended up moving my child to a different district [ just ] to … save him ,” Anami says of her son , who has since graduated . “ And , in the meantime , I researched ways to educate people about this problem . There are a lot of do ’ s and don ’ ts , and there was a major disconnect between what schools are doing to handle bullying and what actually works .”
Anami says children can be taught at an early age about kindness , but that only a small percentage of teachers will intervene in bullying when they see it happening . On top of that , according to stopbullying . gov , a federal website set up by the U . S . Department of Health and Human Services , 20 % of students over the age of 12 experience bullying . Because of this , it ’ s important to teach all adults and children — even the bullies — about why choosing kindness is a better option for everyone .
Since forming , the Ability Awareness Project has developed 10 presentations for parents , teachers and students , all of which provide anti-bullying education and promote the power of kindness . Anami says the presentations , which , depending on the age of the audience , can be depicted with or without puppets , have reached at least 10,000 children — possibly many more , since presentations were also streamed online during the COVID-19 pandemic .
“ What brings unity and kindness is not labeling people . Our community outreach program is about … choosing to be kind to people at any age ,” Anami explains . “ When we teach families about kindness , the children will also learn to be kind at home , which will then follow them outside of the home .”
Once her work had been in motion for several years , Anami was invited to join other leaders to collaborate on making an even larger impact on schools and communities . Ability Awareness Project became a founding member of World Kindness USA in 2018 and she became a goodwill ambassador for the city of Laguna Beach on behalf of the organization ; Amani is now the group ’ s secretary general .
The city has hosted an annual Day of Kindness event each year since , complete with live music and meditation as well as activities that promote human connection . In 2020 , the celebration , held at The Promenade on Forest , featured a Kindness Wall that is still on display today , giving locals and visitors a chance to get involved and spread affection in an interactive way .