Laguna Beach Magazine December | January 2022 Digital_Magazine_LB112_12.22 | Page 42

Clockwise , from above : trail work by Laguna Canyon Foundation volunteers ; a performance at Laguna Playhouse ; “ Into the Woods ” at No Square Theatre
narrowed its focus to food only . The pantry “ rescues ” groceries from local markets that would otherwise be sent to the landfill , and also purchases food from wholesale grocers . Located between the dog park and Pacific Marine Mammal Center , the pantry is open to everyone — no proof of need required — for shopping from 8-10:30 a . m . Monday through Friday . The nonprofit can also help low-income clients apply for the CalFresh assistance program . Notably , 90 cents of every dollar donated to the pantry goes directly to helping food insecure families and individuals . Almost entirely volunteer-run , the organization distributed over 1.7 million pounds of food to 11,473 people in 2021 . ( lagunafoodpantry . org )
PROTECTING OPEN SPACES Passionate about preserving its open spaces , Laguna Beach has more than one nonprofit working to protect its wildland areas . Laguna Canyon Foundation and Laguna Greenbelt both are committed to this mission . Laguna Greenbelt is a grassroots group started in 1968 by Jim Dilley to protect wildlife habitat in OC , including a “ greenbelt ” of open space around Laguna . The organization led efforts to preserve a coastal wilderness area that is now 22,000 acres . Laguna Greenbelt continues to defend this landscape both for the people who enjoy it and the animals that call it home . The nonprofit writes educational brochures and pocket field guides , provides mini grants for Laguna ’ s teachers to offer field trips and projects that promote appreciation for the local environment , and awards scholarships for Laguna high school students who demonstrate involvement and leadership in environmental activities . Meanwhile , most of the public access and stewardship programs that Laguna Greenbelt launched and ran in Laguna Coast Wilderness Park have been transferred to the Laguna Canyon Foundation or to park naturalist staff for long-term management .
The foundation was formed following the 1989 March to Save Laguna Canyon . Laguna Beach voters passed a $ 20 million bond measure in 1990 and the foundation was established to facilitate the acquisition of open space that the Irvine Co . had agreed to sell , partnering with OC Parks and the city of Laguna Beach to ensure these lands would remain public property . This led to the creation of Aliso and Wood Canyons and Laguna Coast wilderness parks . The foundation ’ s land acquisition work continues today in addition to offering naturalist-led hikes and guided bike rides , restoring habitat , repairing trails , advocating for open space and educating students about the importance of these natural areas . In short , the foundation is committed to preserving , protecting , enhancing and promoting the South Coast Wilderness . ( Laguna Greenbelt : lagunagreenbelt . org ) ( Laguna Canyon Foundation : lagunacanyon . org )
THE PLAY ’ S THE THING With two local theaters in town , those who love the dramatic arts have their choice of productions to enjoy at Laguna Playhouse and No Square Theatre . The Playhouse , established as a community theater in 1920 , recently marked its centennial and is one of the West Coast ’ s oldest continuously operating nonprofit theaters ( except for a brief pause on in-person shows during the pandemic ). The Playhouse often presents premieres of new plays and has featured Hollywood stars like Rita Rudner , French Stewart , Ed Asner and even Harrison Ford . Current and upcoming plays include “ The Wonderful Winter of Oz : A Holiday Panto ” through Dec . 29 ; “ Sister ’ s Christmas Catechism ,” running Dec . 19-20 ; and “ Chopin in Paris ,” starring Hershey Felder , from Jan . 4-15 , 2023 . Laguna Playhouse also offers a youth theater program and educational outreach . Its presentation of the performing arts touches more than 80,000 patrons each season