was for her annual ‘Friendsmas’ Christmas sweater party.
“That was one of the first big ones,” Shead said. “We just
decided to make funny sweaters for it. Then, we started
making them for when we watch The Bachelor too.”
After making a themed shirt for the hit ABC reality dat-
ing TV show ‘The Bachelor’ and ‘The Bachorlette,’ Shead
starting selling it as a line as well.
Some of those shirts include sayings like, “Can I
steal you for a second,” “Will you accept this Rośe,” or
“Chacuterie, Cabernet and Chris Harrison.”
“It all started out as just a fun thing to do for the events
we were already doing,” Shead said.
It didn’t stop at hit television shows or parties. In 2019,
Shead also started making football-themed shirts for col-
lege teams and local high school teams.
“Teachers throughout my school and the county are su-
per supportive,” Shead said. “Teacher shirts aren’t my only
orders, but they are definitely one of the most ordered
shirts aside from game day.”
The Awkward Teacher also regularly accepts custom
designed shirt requests from customers.
“I have a regular customer, where I only knew her
Above, Shead and Casey Pruitt model the fall collection that featured shirts
inspired by the fall season and Thanksgiving.