welcome to body burnout
Be consistent. You have to show up to get the benefits of training. You can’t sign up and expect things to change without putting in the work. Show up to as many sessions as possible and make it worth your while. We shoot for 90% compliance for optimal results. So you need to show up 90% of the time! This get easier as you make friendships at boot camp and come with your friends as you motivate each other to turn up.
You have to put forth a great effort at every training session. Don’t expect to show up and half ass your way though the workouts and get something out of them. You have to make yourself work and take yourself out of your comfort zone. If you do this you will always be making progress towards your goal. I can tell you that these workouts work and you don’t need to do anymore than the 30-45 minutes of hard work that we do each day to see incredible results. I know this because I do these workouts myself and I have seen the incredible results that our members get.
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Don’t settle for doing the same level of work at each and every session. It is really easy to get comfortable and stick with exercises that don’t make you a bit uncomfortable. Try to move up in your progressions of the movements that we are doing each day and work as hard as you possibly can. If you aren’t sweating, breathing hard, and hopefully making a lot of grunting and moaning sounds during your workout you might not be working hard enough. (Honestly, I don’t expect you to make funny noises, but if it happens I know you are working hard J)
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Imagine waking up 12-weeks from now, looking in the mirror and actually being amazed about what you see! You absolutely do have the ability to be in an entirely different body. From this moment on, you can expect that your mind, body and quality of life will only improve.
Making a commitment to follow the Body Burnout guarantees the surest path to your ultimate fitness goals. In just 12 weeks, you will begin to see and feel dramatic changes with your body, and not just the obvious physical changes, you will also notice the psychological and physiological changes as well. Expect a decreased body fat percentage, increased lean muscle mass, increased metabolism, increased sense of well-being, an abundance of energy, lower bad and increased good cholesterol levels, decreased risk of heart disease, and the most important change of all… increased self-confidence.
Reaching your fitness goals will take effort and dedication. Throughout your transformation, you can depend on your Certified Fitness Professional to work with you every step of the way. You’ll receive expert nutritional and fitness guidance, while being motivated and held accountable to stay focused as you progress through the program. However, it is important to realize that ultimately, only you have the ability to make sure you follow this program to the best of your ability in order to experience maximum results.