Step 1:
Bend over at the waist, flip hair over head, and brush until tangle free. Put
a small amount of mousse in the palm of your hand. Rub hands together and
work mousse into hair, from the base of neck to the crown of head.
Step 2:
French braid hair from the base of
neck to the crown of head.
Step 3:
Once braiding is completed, gather
all hair into a high ponytail, pulling
hair only halfway through on the last
pull (leaving hair in a “rainbow”).
Step 4:
Wrap the remaining hair around
ponytail holder and pin with a bobby
pin to secure it.
Step 5:
Using bobby pins,
pin sections of the
forward and backward. Repeat this
step until the bun is
fully separated.
Step 6:
Finish by applying hairspray. a
Mar/Apr 2014 • Reflections 15