LAC Older Children Local Offer | Page 13

Mental Health :
Sexual Health
Substance Misuse Drugs / Alcohol

Mental Health :

Support if you transfer from CAMHS to Adult Mental Health Services at aged 18 .
If you are a care leaver aged 16-25 and you are worried about your mental health , let us know and we will support you to access relevant services .
If you are an asylum seeker we will support you to get a health assessment and become fully immunised if you are not already . We will also help you access emotional support where you may need this from our specialist Leaving Care Psychologist and other professionals who understand the challenges you may have faced in coming to the UK .


» Contact your GP and Personal Adviser / Leaving Care Worker
» You can also contact Ealing IAPT Service directly www . ealingiapt . nhs . uk T : 020 3313 5660

Sexual Health

Sexual health is an important part of our overall health and wellbeing . We will offer you information and advice about sexual health services in Ealing or near to where you live . There are also a number of services specifically for young people and those with disabilities and additional needs . You can also speak directly to the LAC nurse .


» Contact your Personal Adviser , GP or the LAC nurse .
» Information is also available on the internet : nwlondonsexualhealth . nhs . uk
» Links to other useful organisations can be found in the ‘ Life is what you make it ’ pack .

Substance Misuse Drugs / Alcohol

We will help you get information and access support services if you want information or are worried about your use of alcohol and / or drugs .


» You can speak to your Personal Adviser / Leaving Care Worker or the LAC nurse .
You can also directly contact :
» The EASY Project Young Person Service can support young people up to the age of 18 years . Contact : 020 8567 4772 or Easy . Project @ cgl . org . uk
» The RISE project is for anyone 18 and over who lives in , or is registered with a GP in Ealing . Contact : 0800 195 8100

Helping you participate in society

We want our care leavers to be active members of society , and to have all the chances in life that other young adults have . We can help you participate in society in the following ways :


» Providing information on leisure activities groups and clubs you may wish to join including volunteering opportunities . As a Care Leaver you are able to access Ealing Leisure facilities at a discount .
CONTACT : Personal Adviser , Ealing Youth & Connexions Service
» Informing you about relevant awards , schemes and competitions you can enter , in line with your talents and interests .
CONTACT : Personal Adviser ; Post 16 teacher .
» Encouraging and helping you to enrol on the Electoral Register , so you can vote in elections .
CONTACT : Personal Adviser
» Encourage you to participate in Ealing Care Leavers forums e . g . Horizons Shout Out Council ; Corporate Parent Committee .
CONTACT : Personal Adviser or Horizons Centre
» Giving you advice and helping you to challenge any discrimination you face . The Leaving Care Service have an Equalities Action Plan based on your responses in the Care Leavers Equalities Survey 2020 .
CONTACT : Personal Adviser