Laboratoria's Impact Report Laboratoria_2018ImpactReport | Page 20

Mariana Costa - Grace Hopper Celebration 2018 Global Partnerships All of these results and impact would have not been possible without the incredible support of our committed partners, who have believed in our team, students, and graduates, as a real source of transformation. This growing network of partners has proven to us that collaboration helps amazing things happen and that through professional, transparent and committed relationships, we can all help each other achieve our goals. Together we are working to get thousands of women in tech across Latin America, transforming the sector into an example of diversity and inclusion and helping the region become a competitive player in the digital economy. These partners not only helped us fund our operations regionally and locally, but have also committed to work with us beyond funding, implementing projects of great added value to our students, team and graduates. Main Regional Partners The partners listed here have contributed with regional multi-year grants of $300,000 and above. We also want to thank immensely all other institutional and individual donors that have supported our work in 2018 through smaller contributions. Local Partners The partners listed here are our main 2018 local donors, that have contributed with $ 50,000 and above in Chile, Peru, Mexico and Brazil. 20|Laboratoria Impact Report Laboratoria students in Google’s offices in Mexico City Google BlackRock More than 1,500 googlers participated in our Giving Tuesday Campaign, helping us raise significant funding for our 2019 goals. Our CEO participated as a panelist in the Social Impact Lab, sharing our work and learning from other entrepreneurs in tech skills training. DRK Citi Foundation We continue being part of DRK’s three year fellowship, learning from an amazing community of social entrepreneurs and having a Managing Director in our Board. Citi employees led financial education workshops with our students in Peru, and supported our Talent Fests as sponsors. IDB Microsoft The third cohort of internships successfully took place and 4 students from Peru, Mexico and Chile worked for 6 months in Washington DC in different projects related to technology. Through mentorships in Chile and employability connections in Mexico, Microsoft professionals provided key support to our students in their transition to employment. Omidyar Network Metlife Foundation We renovated our collaboration for 2019-2020! We are happy to start working together during 2019! Laboratoria Impact Report|21