LABEL February 2014 | Page 7

LABEL Issue V Americans do. Because of the proximity of 2006).South Koreans do not distinguish the stores, they were frequent shoppers. between normal and discount pricing. Hence the discount pricing was not Local Market compelling for them.. The South Korean culture is very tied into the markets; it is one of the largest Product Mix countries that is deeply involved in local South Koreans have different consumer markets Korean preferences than North Americans do; consumers expect to see local products they are not necessarily interested in the presented in a localized fashion; this is same products. The pursuit of Western probably the main reason why South market strategies that mainly focus on dry Koreans did their shopping at E-Mart, the goods, electronics, and clothing hurt Wal - company Wal-Mart sold its operations to, art while in South Korea (Murdoch, rather than Wal-Mart. E-Mart has a 2006). For instance, South Koreans like decidedly localized fresh vegetables and fresh food rather than approach to selling products, with a more dry products and the type of clothing that local feel to their stores. Wal-Mart sells. A South Korean marketing (Gen, 2006). different, South more professional stated: Need for Opulence and Quality Korea's got the longest work hours in the developed world, and it's not even really close to her western counterparts. According to the OECD's 2004 report, Korean average work hours per year come in at 2390. Japan, internationally renowned workaholic land has only 1828 and USA has 1777. Koreans work a lot. When they're not working, they're not interested in lower quality experiences for less money Review of Management What lessons can be learned? The most important aspect for firms going global is an in-depth understanding of what the local customers really want, desire, and need. As firms expand internationally the virtues of flexibility and adaptability become of primary significance. However, these areas of strengths are by design, rather than by accident. They need to be incorporated into