Lab Matters Winter 2024 | Page 25

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH knowledge and hands-on training required to address the routine and emerging radiochemistry challenges that state laboratories , like WA PHL , continually face . In September , the first cohort of 12 students from 12 state public health and environmental laboratories went back to school for a year of online and in-person classes . The student experience is further
supported by a mentorship program , APHL ’ s new radiochemistry community of practice and travel scholarships to conferences and peer laboratories .
APHL also offers internship and fellowship opportunities to further support early-career scientists entering the field . These programs aim to attract more radiochemistry scientists to state laboratories , increase their retention rate and expand their expertise to ensure state laboratories have the capability and capacity to test for radiochemical threats to our nation ’ s public health and security . For more information on these or other radiochemistry resources or opportunities , please contact eh @ aphl . org . g
“ I wish I had this [ University of Iowa radiochemistry graduate certificate program ] opportunity when I first started . By having a member of my team get this scholarship opportunity , it will enable us to continue with our mission to protect public health and grow and develop the next generation of radiochemists using the knowledge and experience learned from this exciting educational opportunity .” — Sarah Martinez , manager , Radiochemistry Group , Texas Department of State Health Services Laboratory
Jimi Adisa
Chemist , Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Laboratories
Undergraduate degree : Chemistry
Justin Archuleta
Radiochemist Operational , New Mexico Department of Health Scientific Laboratory
Undergraduate degree : Chemistry
Madeleine Blumenthal , MA
Chemist III , Texas Public Health Laboratory Division
Undergraduate degree : Chemistry
Jenelle Hansen
Chemist , Kansas Health and Environment Laboratories
Undergraduate degree : Geology
Mark Kanow , PhD
Lab Scientist , Minnesota Department of Health
Undergraduate degree : Biochemistry / Molecular Biology and Chemistry
Virginia Littell , MS
Chemist 3 , Washington State Public Health Laboratory
Undergraduate degree : Earth and Space Sciences
Hosea Mak , MPH , MS
Chemist 1 , New Jersey Department of Health
Undergraduate degree : Chemistry
Ashton McCuin
Radiochemistry Unit Coordinator , Vermont Department of Health Laboratory
Undergraduate degree : Chemistry
Michael Populin
Chemist II , Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene
Undergraduate degree : Biochemistry
Saluta Sanders
Senior Chemist , Glen F . Baker Public Health Laboratory ( AR )
Undergraduate degree : Chemistry
McKenzie Scheffler , MPH , MS
Scientist , Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Undergraduate degree : Biology
Alex Wang
Research Scientist I , California Department of Public Health Radiochemistry Unit
Undergraduate degree : Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Twelve public health laboratory scientists make up the first cohort of the University of Iowa radiochemistry grauate certificate program .
APHL . org
Winter 2024 LAB MATTERS 23