Lab Matters Winter 2022 | Page 7


The Many Career Pathways in Public Health Laboratory Science

By Melanie Padgett Powers , writer
Denise Lopez , DrPH , did not have an easy or clearcut path leading to her current role as laboratory director of Tulare County , California , Public Health Laboratory .
Her story , along with so many others ’ tales of how they fell into — and then fell in love with — their public health laboratory career is one-of-a-kind . These are often journeys filled with opportunity , serendipity and supportive mentors .
But for every success story , there are people inside and outside of public health who don ’ t know about the opportunities at public health laboratories or how to access them . APHL and other public health leaders are working to change that , providing clearer , more supportive pathways into public health laboratories , then up the ladder into management , and finally to a public health laboratory director position , if desired . They are creating multiple ways to lift up employees who need more experience , leadership training , degree programs or other avenues to grow — and stay — in public health laboratories .
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Winter 2022 LAB MATTERS 5