Lab Matters Winter 2022 | Page 3




2 President ’ s & Chief Executive Officer ’ s Message


Environmental Health 12 Environmental Health Laboratory
Fellows Make a Difference
Food Safety
14 Reimagining and Rebranding for the Future of Food Safety
Global Health 15 It ’ s Time for Global Health Data
15 Tanzania Launches International Biological Safety Cabinet Certification Training Program
Industry Matters 16 A Private-Public Collaboration for
Safely Reopening Schools in Hawaii
18 Utilizing Nanotrap Microbiome Particles to Capture and Concentrate Intact Virus from Wastewater Samples
Infectious Diseases
20 Hybrid 12th National Conference on Laboratory Aspects of Tuberculosis Convened
22 Strengthening Influenza Surveillance by Building Molecular Testing Capacity
Informatics 23 New Tool Available for Requesting
Informatics Technical Assistance
24 Workforce Resources for Public Health Informatics
Public Health Preparedness & Response 26 20 Years of Progress for Public Health
Emergency Preparedness
27 CDC Convenes Town Hall Meeting on Laboratory and Instrument Biosafety
Training & Workforce Development 28 Forging Collaborative Relationships Between Academic Partners and Public Health Labs


4 The Many Career Pathways in Public Health Laboratory Science
Each laboratorian ’ s story of their public health laboratory career is one-of-a-kind . These are often journeys filled with opportunity , serendipity and supportive mentors . But for every success story , there are people inside and outside of public health who do not know about the opportunities at public health laboratories or how to access them . APHL and other public health leaders are working to change that .
8515 Georgia Avenue , Suite 700 Silver Spring , MD 20910 Phone : 240.485.2745 Fax : 240.485.2700 info @ aphl . org www . aphl . org
The Association of Public Health Laboratories ( APHL ) works to strengthen laboratory systems serving the public ’ s health in the US and globally . APHL ’ s member laboratories protect the public ’ s health by monitoring and detecting infectious and foodborne diseases , environmental contaminants , terrorist agents , genetic disorders in newborns and other diverse health threats .
Gynene Sullivan , MA , editor Brittany Robertson , art director David Fouse , advisor
To submit an article for consideration , contact Gynene Sullivan at gynene . sullivan @ aphl . org .
APHL 2022-2023 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Daphne Ware , PhD , president Timothy Southern , PhD , president-elect
Godfred Masinde , PhD , MBA , HCLD ( ABB ), secretarytreasurer
Sharon Massingale , PhD , HCLD / CC ( ABB ), public health institutional state representative
Michael Pentella PhD , D ( ABMM ), public health institutional state representative
Scott Shone , PhD , HCLD ( ABB ), public health institutional state member representative
Sally Flowers , PhD , public health associate institutional member representative
Megan Crumpler , PhD , local institutional member representative
Denise Toney , PhD , HCLD ( ABB ), past president Scott Becker , MS , ex officio , chief executive officer , APHL
Winter 2022 LAB MATTERS 1