Lab Matters Winter 2020 | Page 17

GLOBAL HEALTH GLLP Partners Meet in Rome to Discuss Updates By Samantha Musumeci, specialist, Global Health; Shannon Emery, manager, Global Health, Jocelyn Isadore, APHL consultant, Global Health; and Lucy Maryogo-Robinson, director, Global Health EPA method 531.2, Measurement of N-Methylcarbamoyloximes and N-Methylcarbamates in Water by Direct Aqueous Injection High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with Post-Column Derivatization, is a test required for all public drinking water systems annually by the Safe Drinking Water Act. Carbamoyloximes and carbamates are broad spectrum, commonly- used pesticides that can adversely affect renal, hepatic, neurological, reproductive, immune and metabolic function in humans and animals. Method 531.2 Target Compounds and Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL): • • • • • • • • • • Aldicarb Sulfone – 2 ppb Aldicarb Sulfoxide –- 4 ppb Oxamyl – 200 ppb Aldicarb – 3 ppb Carbofuran – 40 ppb 3-hydroxycarbfuran – no MCL Propoxur – no MCL Methomyl – no MCL Carbaryl – no MCL Methiocarb – no MCL By August 2019, MEHETL ran the studies, accumulated the data from the other labs, and sent all results and the completed method to EPA. The method passed EPA’s initial review and is in the process of being approved for general use. The method may be published in the Federal Register’s next approval period, possibly in June 2020. Maine MEHETL looks forward to adopting the method upon EPA approval. n For more information, please contact Jim Eaton at [email protected]. PublicHealthLabs @APHL APHL, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have come together to define competencies for laboratory leadership and develop a comprehensive laboratory leadership program, the Global Laboratory Leadership Programme (GLLP). This unprecedented collaboration of six dynamic health-centric organizations is committed to developing a program with a One Health approach that will foster and mentor current and emerging laboratory leaders to build, strengthen and sustain national laboratory systems. the learning package will be used in a full- scale pilot of the leadership program. The partners have made significant progress in the creation of leadership program course materials that support the Laboratory Leadership Competency Framework. In October 2019, representatives from the six partners gathered at the FAO headquarters in Rome for a three-day annual meeting to review program progress, participate in working group sessions and make decisions critical to the future of the GLLP. The working groups are responsible for key components of the program include the Learning Package Working Group (LPWG), the Communications Working Group (CommWG) and the Governance Working Group (GovWG). WHO and CDC presented updates on the in-country validation of selected course materials in Pakistan and Liberia, which allows the partnership to validate the materials in a real-word setting while the materials are still under development. The in-country validations will continue through 2020. The LPWG reported that the first draft of the GLLP learning package will be completed in 2020. It will consist of PowerPoint presentations, instructor guides, participant guides and additional materials such as a program implementation guide. The group will focus on revisions to course materials over the first half of the year to fully incorporate animal and environmental health into the program and to expand supporting materials. The next version of The CommWG discussed plans to create a formal GLLP communication plan, expand the GLLP website located on the WHO site and continue to translate relevant GLLP documents. It announced that the Laboratory Leadership Competency Framework, published in 2019, has already been translated into French and Russian. A Spanish translation is slated for publication in 2020. The GovWG examined and approved the revised learning package development process and discussed development of an implementation strategy for the program. The group also reviewed the purpose and definition of the working group. Looking Forward This will be a busy and productive year for the GLLP partnership with all partners working together to create materials that embrace a One Health approach. To incorporate a One Health perspective and address the lack of environmental health organizations involved in the GLLP, the partners plan to reach out to environmental health experts within their respective agencies to assist in creating and reviewing content. This unprecedented collaboration of six dynamic health-centric organizations is committed to developing a program with a One Health approach that will foster and mentor current and emerging laboratory leaders to build, strengthen, and sustain national laboratory systems. n Winter 2020 LAB MATTERS 15