UNAIDS 90-90-90 Goal :
global health
APHL Holds First ToT Session on HIV / AIDS Diagnosis and Biological Monitoring in DRC
by Franck Nzengu Lukusa , MD , APHL consultant and Palmira Mangae , specialist , Global Health
The Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) and the AIDS National Control Program ( PNLS ) have agreed to the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goal . To achieve this , countries must organize a system of quality care and particularly a system of laboratories with well-trained providers . In 2016 , APHL , in collaboration with the DRC office of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC DRC ), began development of a training of trainers ( ToT ) curriculum and manual on HIV-related biological detection and monitoring , biosafety recording documents and information management tools to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for the diagnosis and biologic management of HIV infection and to ensure laboratorians can perform analyses accurately , reliably , safely and effectively .
KSPH Hosts First TOT
In November 2017 , APHL , in collaboration with DRC PNLS and CDC DRC , hosted a ToT on diagnosis and biological monitoring of HIV / AIDS in the laboratory at the Kinshasa School of Public Health ( KSPH ). The session targeted trainers from the DRC Ministry of Health ( MoH ), KSPH and PEPFAR ’ s implementing partner ’ s laboratories from Kinshasa , Haut Katanga and Lualaba .
UNAIDS 90-90-90 Goal :
90 %
90 % 90 % of people living with HIV diagnosed by 2020
of diagnosed people on antiretroviral treatment by 2020
of people in treatment with fully suppressed viral load by 2020
Source : http :// www . unaids . org / en / resources / documents / 2017 / 90-90-90
Training participants at KSPH during the five-day HIV TOT training held in Kinshasa , DRC . Photo : Franck Nzengu Lukusa
Two documents were produced to support DRC ToT :
• Training curriculum covering subjects from the training guide of PNLS
• Trainer ’ s manual used as a teaching and logistical tool during all phases of the training
To evaluate the training ’ s effectiveness , participants were asked to complete an initial survey , daily evaluations and a final evaluation . One hundred percent agreed that the training materials will provide a useful resource in trainings they conduct , 72 % felt that the time allocated to the theoretical and practical aspects of the course was adequate , and 80 % thought that the training offered more in-depth information than a refresher course . Participants also recommended some areas for improvement including a more in-depth study of viral load testing with GeneXpert , and integration of concepts for self-testing and test results interpretation .
Next Steps
In 2018 , with support from APHL and CDC DRC , trainers will conduct ToT sessions at laboratories in Kinshasa and Lubumbashi to share improved , uniform methods for quality control and management .
Participants listen to a presentation at KSPH . Photo : Franck Nzengu Lukusa
As more laboratories participate in ToT sessions , APHL and its partners aim to make continuous improvement an integral part of DRC ’ s laboratory culture .
This project is funded in full by the President ’ s Emergency Preparedness Plan for Aids Relief ( PEPFAR ). A special thank you to DRC MoH and PNLS , KSPH , CDC , and APHL consultants ������ Nzengu Lukusa , MD , and Anthony Muyombwe , PhD . n
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