Lab Matters Summer 2024 | Page 25

Hello , we ’ re Datapult . As public health professionals , we ’ ve built solutions we believe in for Public Health

NGS Data Solutions
Easily and securely access prepackaged pipelines and workspaces tailored to public health sequencing needs .
NGS InSight ™
Realize the value and the ability of efficiently analyzing pathogen genomes , enabling laboratories to recognize differences in public health threats . NGS InSight creates information that is actionable in protecting public health .
More data is never a bad thing . With NGS gsT , sponsoring agencies can deploy interpartner connections for bidirectional sharing of FASTA and FASTQ NGS Data files .
NGS TB Pipeline
NGS TB Pipeline grants access to , and utilization of , the WGS pipeline for M . tuberculosis developed by and for public health .
Public Health Reporting Solutions ( ELR )
With just a single onboarding , laboratories gain access to electronic laboratory reporting and routing to nearly all public health agencies that accept HL7 v . 2.5.1 and FHIR ELR . Our Expanded ELR service automates jurisdiction-specific validation and ensure the highest data quality reporting to public health surveillance systems .
Public health agencies that need onboarding or data validation support can also utilize this service to help onboard laboratories or testing facilities to their surveillance systems — and benefit from the validation and normalization of Expanded ELR .
Informatics Consulting
Datapult professionals have over 70 years of scientific , informatics , laboratory , data and public health experience . As an APHL company and through our partnerships , we have two centuries worth of experience and subject matter expertise . Areas of expertise include :
Learn more at DatapultAPHL . org
Contact us at info @ datapult . aphl . org
Join the Datapult community on LinkedIn ® for insights , resources and updates .
• Data standards
• Terminology
• Vocabulary mapping
• Informatics
• Bioinformatics
• IT project management , short and long-term
• Interoperability architecture assessments and improvement plans
• Data visualization
• Custom system integrations
APHL . org
Summer 2024 LAB MATTERS 23