Lab Matters Summer 2024 | Page 15

Figure 2 . Sensitivity confirmation for the EURORealTime C . auris ECH-R workflow ( total ~ 3 hours ). NC : negative control , PC : positive control
In silico analysis predicted all five clades of C . auris ( 42 ) genome ( as of May 8 , 2023 ) to be detectable by both PCR assays , with exception of 10 strains identified in Lebanon in 2021 . 7 For the resistance assay , 2,834 additional C . auris strains ( as of Nov . 17.2023 ), of which 88 contain echinocandinsresistance-markers ( 22xS369F , 19xS639Y , 47xS639P ), showed 100 % match to the FKS-specific or respective mutationspecific oligonucleotide sequences .
Cross-reactivity was not identified among non-C . auris microorganisms for ITS and FKS oligonucleotides . A wet-lab study confirmed no cross-reactivity observed among C . albicans , C . duobushaemulonii , C . glabrata , C . haemulonii , C . krusei , C . lusitaniae , Kodameae ohmeri and Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Plasmids ( 10 7 copies / reaction ) carrying the FKS gene encoding S639 ( 1xTCT- and 1xTCC-codon , wild-type ) and S639T showed no relevant cross-reactivity with the mutation-specific probes .
In summary , both PCR assays together with the automated chemagic TM 360 extraction system provide high sensitivity and scalable solution for choice of either rapid C . auris screening or together with echinocandins resistance detection . g
Revvity is an APHL Platinum Level Sustaining Member .
References :
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Summer 2024 LAB MATTERS 13