Lab Matters Summer 2023 | Page 9

Uncomplicate your PCR workflow

Labs like yours are under pressure to do more with less . You need selfdeveloped assays that are easy to use and efficient . What if you could transfer the power of your lab ’ s assays into an easier workflow ?
You could have time back . You would be in control of all parameters . All with the same security in your results . This is possible with NeuMoDx ™ .
Discover how at QIAGEN . com / self-developed-assays
For up-to-date licensing information and productspecific disclaimers , see the respective QIAGEN / NeuMoDx kit instructions for use or user operator manual . QIAGEN instructions for use and user manuals are available at www . qiagen . com or can be requested from QIAGEN Technical Services ( or your local distributor ) or www . neumodx . com / clientresources .
Trademarks : QIAGEN ® , Sample to Insight ® , NeuMoDx ™ ( QIAGEN Group ). Registered names , trademarks , etc . used in this document , even when not specifically marked as such , are not to be considered unprotected by law . PROM-21906-001 04 / 2023 © 2023 QIAGEN , all rights reserved .
Sample PublicHealthLabs to Insight
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Summer 2023 LAB MATTERS 7