Public health deserves a trusted , secure , easy-to-use solution for analyzing pathogen genomic sequence data .
NGS InSight ™
Your easy , secure way to access prepackaged pipelines and workspaces tailored to public health sequencing needs .
AIMS Platform
Safe , secure , trusted cloud platform . Built for public health , by public health .
NGS Analysis powered by Nextflow Tower
Utilize open-source , public health curated pipelines for the analysis of pathogen genomic sequences in a collaborative community .
Easy Genomics User Interface
Harnessing the power of Nextflow Tower in easy-to-organize and deploy workflows .
Complex problems , Collaborative Solutions
The issues for public health with NGS are complex . NGS InSight ™ is a collaborative approach to addressing your barriers and needs in the process of obtaining the critical information to identify , determine susceptibility and surveil infectious disease threats .
NGS InSight
Realize the value and the ability of efficiently analyzing pathogen genomes , enabling laboratories to recognize differences in public health threats . NGS InSight creates information that is actionable in protecting public health .
Realize the value and ability to efficiently analyze NGS data .
• Dynamic workflows
• Organizational work groups
• Pipeline-run automation
• Collaborative pipeline sandbox
• And much more .
Additional NGS Services from Datapult
• NGS gsT : Create an interpartner hub for exchanging FASTA and FASTQ files on the AIMS Platform .
• NGS TB Pipeline grants access to , and utilization of , the WGS pipeline for M . tuberculosis developed by and for public health .
Learn more at datapultaphl . org
Contact us at customer . success @ aphl . org
Join the Datapult community on LinkedIn ® for insights , resources and updates .
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Summer 2023 LAB MATTERS 25 |