Lab Matters Summer 2023 | Page 17

Privilege is operating even in places where we ’ re doing health equity work . And it ’ s important for us to acknowledge that and call it out so we can shift that paradigm .”
Mighty Fine , MPH , CHES
Laboratories can show their commitment to inclusion and employee support by being transparent about hiring , evaluation and advancement criteria and policies . Consider using orientation and onboarding to show new hires how diversity and equity principles are operationalized in the organization ’ s values , suggests Fine — how performance is reviewed , how promotions and opportunities are given , how to report issues and what the process entails . Presenting clear , established policies up front can help employees feel more empowered to speak up when necessary and are a way to start shifting the culture of the workplace . Then , follow through — remember that the effects of privilege can lead individuals to view circumstances through different lenses . And people notice how they are treated , Fine noted . Are microaggressions called out ? Are some individuals ’ work scrutinized more than others ?
“ You start to question if what is happening to you is because people have assigned your abilities to how you look , as opposed to your actual capability ,” he said .
Above all , open and transparent communication from leadership is critical to build trust and get buy-in from staff . Nandhu Balakrishnan , PhD , director of clinical microbiology at the Georgia Public Health Laboratory and a member of the APHL DEI Task Force , emphasizes the importance of inclusive leadership for building an effective public health infrastructure . That means making space for everyone in the laboratory to share their voice , then listening with an open mind .
“ To build a robust strategic plan for the laboratory , you need to know your people and understand what is working and what ’ s not working ,” he said . “ It ’ s all about the mindset — understanding perspectives and respecting and appreciating people ’ s cultures , views , ideas and thoughts .” Setting these expectations starts from the top down , Rodemeyer added , with the backing and involvement of the leadership team . But it is not enough to just say these conversations are important .
“ They have to lead by example ,” she said . “ I think they have to talk about it … and bring up those subjects .”
An equity-centered workplace means each employee is supported and their skills utilized , with access to resources and advancement for everyone in the organization . Mentoring and individual support can be transformative , Balakrishnan said . When he immigrated from India to the US for postdoctoral training , he had relatively few resources . He credits a series of mentors with enabling him to advance his training , find positions , learn how to succeed in the laboratory and ultimately get his green card . A good mentor should be able to help identify strengths and weakness , point out mistakes in a constructive way , and provide tools to help fill in skill or knowledge gaps , he said .
“ At each and every step of my career , people have really helped bring out the best in me , even though I made errors , even though I wasn ’ t born a leader ,” he said . “ They gave me the opportunity to grow professionally and personally .” g
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Summer 2023 LAB MATTERS 15