Lab Matters Summer 2019 | Page 83

APHL 2019 POSTER ABSTRACTS Team for review. The Validation Team reviews the document for data integrity, data accuracy and cohesiveness of writing. The goal is to provide strong documentation that will not only satisfy the ISDHL Director and auditors, but also explain to other external entities and future employees how the conclusions were reached. At the end of 2017, the Validation Team composed a list of the “Top Ten Things We’ve Learned” in regards to study design, and in 2018 incorporated those lessons into updated study plan and validation templates. Also in 2018, the Validation Team designed and led a Validation Workshop at ISDHL. The target audience for this workshop was Indiana clinical microbiology laboratorians, and attendees were asked to bring a project idea with them that their laboratory would be validating/verifying in the near future. During this workshop, the Validation Team presented each section of the study plan template, demonstrating with real-life examples of why each element was important. Following each lecture portion, participants worked on their own study plans to immediately solidify the lessons learned. The event received excellent reviews, and ISDHL will likely turn this into an annual workshop. Looking ahead to 2019, the Validation Team hopes to present the Validation Workshop internally to assist those new to validation with study design, execution and analysis. Presenter: Cassandra Campion, Indiana State Department of Health Laboratories, Indianapolis, IN, [email protected] Milwaukee’s Laboratory System Improvement Program 2018 Reassessment and Next Steps T. Dasu, J. Plevak, B. Pfotenhauer, R. Pinhancos, N. Leigh, T. Cobb, M. Stevenson, K. Schieble and S. Bhattacharyya, City of Milwaukee Health Department Laboratory Introduction: Continuous improvement is essential in public health laboratories (PHLs). The Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) provides a framework for assessing the quality of state and local laboratory systems via the Laboratory System Improvement Program (L-SIP) based on the 10 Essential Public Health Services (ES). As the first local PHL (LPHL) to ever conduct an L-SIP assessment (in 2010), the City of Milwaukee Health Department Laboratory (MHDL) in 2018 also become the first LPHL to complete an L-SIP reassessment. Methods: MHDL identified LPHL system stakeholders and collaborated with APHL on event planning and facilitation. Nearly 50 stakeholders representing more than 25 agencies participated in the full-day event, held at the Milwaukee County War Memorial on May 10, 2018. The event started with a plenary session to evaluate Essential Service #2 (Diagnose and investigate health problems and hazards), with all stakeholders then breaking up into three work groups to assess the remainder of the 10 ESs. Results: ES#3 (Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues), #6 (Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety) and #7 (Link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable) were identified as system strengths. ES #9 (Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population- based health services) was found to have low activity within the system and will be targeted for system improvements. MHDL also identified two moderate performing ES for targeted improvements PublicHealthLabs @APHL – #2 (Diagnose and investigate health problems and hazards) and #5 (Develop policies and plans to achieve health goals). Three to four priority next steps were identified under each of the ES targeted for improvement (ES #2, #5 and #9). System wide resources were identified that all partners can benefit from, with increased involvement with the LPHL system. Conclusions: In light of new system partners and priorities since Milwaukee’s first L-SIP assessment was conducted 8 years ago, it was time to reassess system’s performance. MHDL’s previous assessment and subsequent system improvements provided a solid groundwork from which to approach the reassessment, streamlining planning in many ways. Approximately 80% of the attendees were entirely new to the assessment process thus posing a challenge to the host laboratory in conveying the purpose of the event (laboratory centric vs. system improvement focused). The system partners were engaged in open discussions on system strengths, improvement areas and partner interests in support of the greater laboratory system. Plans are in progress to spearhead system improvement efforts with identified next steps in 2019. Presenter: Trivikram Dasu, City of Milwaukee Health Department, Milwaukee, WI, [email protected] Development of Sample Receiving and Handling System to Support for a Large Population Study C.D. Riker, C.H. Yu, R. Servis and Z. Fan, New Jersey Department of Health Introduction: In 2014 the NJDOH embarked on population study requiring the processing of 1000 urines, 3000 bloods and 1000 serum samples within 2 years time frame. This new project would require both the accommodation of hundreds of samples in daily submission and the long-term storage for future analyses. Because of the limitation of our existing form driven system that could only accommodate 20-40 daily sample submissions, it is imperative to further develop and optimize our sample management system to expand its capacity of receiving and handling large number of samples. Objective: The overall goal of our study is to: 1) develop a sample receiving system with both expanded capacity of sample accommodation and robust sample identification check protocol; 2) to develop a durable label, suitable for long term cohort frozen storage and containing key identification and storage location elements needed to be developed. Approach: To accomplish the first objective, a customized sample collection spreadsheet (SCSS) was designed for the collection of the sample demographic information. The SCSS includes the data that match with the selection criteria, which can filter and double check the information when entered by the provider and reviewed by our sample receiving staff. The SCSS is then reformatted for the simultaneous electronic uploading of all sample data and testing requirements into the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). To accomplish the second objective, cryogenic labels were selected due to the permanent adherence properties necessary for long term frozen storage (-70oC). The label has been designed to include both the unique NJDOH lab ID number and the barcoded version, to facilitate processing. Additionally, the label has unique location ID code specifying freezer ID, shelf, rack number and position of sample within the rack. This will allow for easy access for the samples for both current use as well as for future use. Summer 2019 LAB MATTERS 81