Lab Matters Summer 2019 | Page 78

APHL 2019 POSTER ABSTRACTS Novel aspect: We applied existing cutoffs levels with second tier analysis results in contrast with CLIR results. This allows for a retrospective cutoff level evaluation. Developing this model will allow for more efficient ongoing evaluation of NBS cutoffs. Presenter: Robert B. Dixon, South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control, Columbia, SC, [email protected] Preparedeness and Response Public Health Laboratory Outreach to First Responders S. Abrams 1 , L. Marchetti 2 , R. Nickla 3 ; 1 Association of Public Health Laboratories, 2 Rhode Island Department of Health, 3 Oregon State Public Health Laboratory As a priority for many PHLs, PHPR has developed various resources to enhance outreach and training efforts to first responder groups. This poster presents an overview of these resources as well as several programs implemented by various PHLs, while detailing ongoing challenges that PHLs face with balancing an integrated response to biological and chemical threats. Moreover, it also describes new programs that state PHLs are developing to respond to emerging threats that both laboratorians and first responders experience alike, such as challenges and opportunities with opioid response efforts. Collectively these efforts align with PHPR’s position statement on field screening kits and devices, which while opposing the use of federally unapproved field screening kits and devices for biological and chemical warfare agents, seeks to ensure that quality assurance programs are developed to provide field validation and training methods to maintain the safety of both first responders and laboratorians. Presenter: Samuel Abrams, Association of Public Health Laboratories, Silver Spring, MD, [email protected] Celebrating 20 Years of Laboratory Response Network for Biological Threats Preparedness (LRN-B) T. Wolford, Association of Public Health Laboratories Silver Spring, MD Presenter: Tyler Wolford, Association of Public Health Laboratories, Silver Spring, MD, [email protected] Stability Testing of Laboratory Response Network (LRN) Real-time PCR Positive DNA Control A (KT0074) and Real- time PCR Positive DNA Control B (KT0097) M.K. White 1 , S. Rager 1 , M. Lawson 1 , T. Sanders 2 , P. Syribeys 1 ; 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2 IHRC, Inc. The short shelf-life of Laboratory Response Network (LRN) positive control material adds to the cost of our national response. The expiry of Real-time PCR Positive DNA Control A (Plasmid A) and Real- time PCR Positive DNA Control B (Plasmid B) were originally one (1) year from date of manufacture. The current shelf-life requires new production lots annually, resulting discarded unused materials by CDC and LRN laboratories. In an effort to reduce both the cost of production and the amount of discarded material, a study was conducted to extend the shelf-life and confirm the 6 month in-use stability claim for Plasmids A and B. The control plasmids (Plasmids A and B) were tested using 14 and 17 separate signatures in real- time PCR assays, respectively. Shelf-life and in-use testing was performed in accordance with LPRB ‘Product Release Testing for Real-time PCR Positive DNA Controls A and B Bulk and Finished Kits’ work instruction. For shelf-life testing, three (3) kits from each specified lot were tested in triplicate and the average value of each signature was analyzed to determine if the acceptance criteria was met. For In-use stability testing, one (1) kit from each specified lot was tested in triplicate monthly for seven (7) months and average value of each primer and probe set was analyzed to determine if the acceptance criteria was met. Plasmid A was found to have a shelf- life stability of 24 months when stored at -20°C and six (6) months when stored at 2-8°C. Plasmid B was found to have a shelf-life stability of 36 months when stored at -20°C and six (6) months when stored at 2-8°C. Based on the results of this study, the expiry date of Plasmid A has been extended to 24 months and Plasmid B has been extended to 36 months. The expiration date extension aids LPRB and LRN laboratories in reducing the cost of production and amount of unused materials discarded annually. The expiry date extension of Plasmid A and Plasmid B aids LPRB in reducing material production costs, shipment costs and disposal costs associated with providing materials to the LRN partner laboratories. Presenter: Stacy Rager, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, [email protected]   In 2019, the Laboratory Response Network (LRN) will celebrate 20 years of preparedness and response efforts that protect the public’s health against threat agents such as anthrax and ricin. In the beginning, the LRN only had the capability to detect and respond to bioterrorism agents. Since then the LRN has expanded 76 LAB MATTERS Summer 2019 PublicHealthLabs @APHL The Association of Public Health Laboratories’ (APHL) Public Health Preparedness and Response (PHPR) Committee provides important resources to public health laboratories (PHLs) that seek to improve their abilities to effectively communicate with, and provide guidance to, first responders. This includes police, fire, hazardous materials (HAZMAT) teams, and National Guard Civil Support Teams (CSTs) communities. These efforts align with APHL’s strategic goals and are a key priority for PHPR towards on all-hazards laboratory preparedness for emergencies including terrorism, natural disasters, and emerging threats, and their subsequent responses, as they relate to issues affecting public health laboratories APHL’s membership. to include chemical, radiological and emerging infectious disease threats. From the founding in 1999 and subsequent anthrax attacks in 2001, to outbreaks of Ebola in 2014 and Zika in 2016, the LRN-B is ready to respond. This poster will focus on the LRN for Biological Threats Preparedness (LRN-B) and provide a timeline illustrating major milestones in the evolution of the Network. The poster will also showcase short stories from LRN-B member laboratories describing actual events.