Lab Matters Summer 2019 | Page 58

APHL 2019 POSTER ABSTRACTS participants were added to the training to measure successful implementation of laboratory improvements. Method: In November 2018, two FLLM workshops were conducted, training a total of 52 national laboratory managers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The curriculum covered the following modules: 1. Organizational Structure and Management; 2. Human Resources; 3. Communication and Conflict Resolution; 4. Leading a Successful Team; 5. Problem Solving and Decision Making; 6. Financial Management; 7. Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation; 8. Ethics. The interactive workshop included presentations, discussions, individual and group exercises, assignments and pre- and post- tests. In addition, each participant identified three activities based on the modules’ content, for implementation at their respective laboratories. Faculty were available to provide remote support. Participants provided summary reports by January 2019 and these were subsequently analysed. laboratory BRM practices. Extending trainings beyond the veterinary laboratory led to successful collaborations between participants and facilitated the development and implementation of key quality and safety documents, trainings, and other biorisk essentials at all engaged sites. The blended trainings allowed participants to use a shared set of foundational tools to implement both best/better practices and lessons learned by colleagues engaged in parallel One Health activities. Establishing open communication and trust between personnel at different human and veterinary institutions through blended training opportunities increases the potential for future collaborative capacity-building, disease surveillance, and outbreak response activities. Presenter: Nadia Wauquier, MRIGlobal, Kansas City, MO, [email protected] Infectious Disease The cadres of managers included xx from the national level laboratories, xx from the regional level laboratories and xx from district level laboratories. The cadre of laboratory managers, their non-submission report rate and reasons for non-submission are shown in Table 1.2. Objective: Mycoplasma genitalium (M.gen) has been identified as an emerging issue among sexually transmitted diseases by the CDC and has been found to be associated with urethritis in men and cervicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease in women. In a screening population, M.gen is often more prevalent than Neisseria gonorrhoeae and less prevalent than Chlamydia trachomatis. To better understand the burden of M.gen infections amongst male and female patients attending Family Planning and STD clinics in Alabama, remnant specimens were tested at the Bureau of Clinical Laboratories in Montgomery, Alabama,August 20–28, 2018. These patients attended county health departments for Disease Control and Family Health programs. Discussion: How successful was the workshop in terms of providing knowledge? What does the success rate of report submission tell us? What does non-submission mean? Provide possible reasons for non-submission. Recommendations to improve submission rate in future Presenter: Sherri Staley, Association of Public Health Laboratories, Silver Spring, MD, [email protected] Integration of Human and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Personnel Capacity Building Efforts in Guinea and Senegal J. Ndjomou, N. Wauquier, S. Shearrer, J. Alam, C. Asbun, B. Karlstrand, M. Mar, L. Presser and S. Altman, MRIGlobal After the 2014-2016 West Africa ebolavirus epidemic, international partners independently scaled up efforts to improve regional health security capabilities in the affected countries. The partners’ efforts generally targeted either the human health or veterinary sector, widening existing gaps at the interface between national human and animal health systems. As part of a United States Defense Threat Reduction Program (DTRA)-funded effort to improve biorisk management (BRM) capacity in West Africa, MRIGlobal implemented BRM training at the premier Senegalese veterinary institute. Training opportunities at the veterinary institute were extended to personnel in key Senegalese public health laboratories to bolster health security improvement efforts through improving 56 LAB MATTERS Summer 2019 Prevalence of Mycoplasma genitalium Among Men and Women Attending County Health Departments and Family Health Programs in Northern, Northeastern and East Central Alabama T. Dailey, M. Scisney, T. Douglas, V. Green, E.M. Chambers, G. Cook, J. Black, S. Massingale and A. Williams, Alabama Department of Public Health Methods: 967 remnant male (n =237) and female (n =730) specimens were tested for M.gen using analyte specific reagents (Hologic Inc). These reagents were developed into a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for the qualitative detection of ribosomal RNA from M.gen organisms on the automated Panther system. Specimens tested included: urine, cervical swabs, urethral swabs, endocervical swabs, and oral/rectal swabs. Coinfection rates for N. gonorrhoeae (NG), C. trachomatis (CT) and T. vaginalis (TV) were also determined using Aptima Combo 2 (CT/NG) and Aptima TV. Results: Of the 967 samples tested for M.gen, 126 were positive (126, 13%) [male prevalence of 14.8% and female prevalence of 12.5%], and overall these were predominantly found to be single M.gen infections (88, 70%). Prevalence of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) was 9.4% (91) for CT, 4.8% (46) for NG, and 9% (87) for TV. Of the 30% (38) of specimens with coinfections: 44.7% (17) were M.gen and CT, 21% (8) M.gen and TV, and 10.5% (4) M.gen and NG. Infection by age grouping revealed that 11% of positive samples were from patients under 18 years of age (YOA), 50% were between 18-25 YOA, and 39% were greater than 25 YOA. Analyzing prevalence by race in women indicated 64.8% of M.gen PublicHealthLabs @APHL Results: The average pre-test score was 34% whilst the average post-test score was 72%, showing a significant increase in score improvement by 38%. The number of activities per module identified and completed by the participants are shown in Table 1. A total of 156 activities were identified by the participants. Of these, Xxx/156 (%) activities were completed. The submission rate of reports by participants (Group One) of the first workshop was xx/26 (%%) and xxx/26 (%%) by participants (Group Two) from the second workshop. The overall submission rate was XX (%), whilst the overall non- submission rate was xx (%).