Lab Matters Summer 2019 | Page 45

APHL 2019 POSTER ABSTRACTS be accomplished, a series of topical presentations followed by opportunities for participants to engage in small group activities to discuss issues and provide feedback on how to address community needs. The intent of this meeting was to move the discussion of CECs towards a more proactive and holistic plan to address future CEC issues more effectively. At the conclusion of the meeting, participants were able to evaluate learning objectives and capture other important feedback. The meeting, Science and Policy of Emerging Contaminants in Minnesota, built on previously held events, and went beyond just updating the community on CEC work already occurring, and explored ways in which that work can lead to policies and actions. Significant insights gained from this meeting included: • Minnesota has a diverse community of CEC-interested stakeholders that strive for collaboration and engagement, • CEC communication to the public is difficult and groups are motivated to learn about proven techniques for outreach, • These contaminants in many ways mirror our lifestyles, so the CECs we identify and prioritize are going to have to grow and evolve to reflect ongoing lifestyle changes and risks. Presenter: Paul Moyer, Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul, MN, [email protected] Optimizing Phosphorus-specific Detection for the Analysis of Glyphosate and Other Organophosphorus Pesticides Using HPLC-ICP-QqQ-MS K. Aviado, C. Dingman, J. Schneider, J. Chithalen and C. Bean, New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories Organophosphorus pesticides include insecticides and herbicides employed widely for agricultural use. Many of these compounds have demonstrated a range of health impacts. Exposures can occur through contact with contaminated water and agricultural products, and there is interest in developing analytical methods that achieve rapid, sensitive, and robust simultaneous measurement of organophosphorus pesticides and their breakdown products in a variety of environmental and clinical matrices. We investigate the application of inductively coupled plasma triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (ICP-QqQ-MS) to quantitatively measure the phosphorus heteroatoms shared by these compounds as an alternative to traditional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) methods that may experience limitations related to sample derivatization and poor analyte ionization. Although phosphorus is considered challenging to measure in conventional argon plasma ICP-MS due to its difficult ionization and intense mass spectral interferences on the phosphorus detection mass (m/z = 31), the collision/reaction capabilities of the triple quadrupole system improve analyte selectivity and sensitivity. We performed experimental optimizations of the ICP-QqQ-MS collision/ reaction cell using helium, oxygen (O2), argon, and hydrogen gas, and found that the highest signal-to-noise was obtained by using O2 as the cell gas and selectively detecting reaction product ion 31P16O+ at m/z = 47. By coupling high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to the ICP-QqQ-MS system, we investigated a simple and rapid method for separation and analysis of glyphosate and its metabolite aminomethyl phosphonic acid (AMPA), as well as malathion dicarboxylic acid (MDA; the primary metabolite of malathion) using ion-pairing liquid chromatography. PublicHealthLabs @APHL Presenter: Kimberly Aviado, New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories, Concord, NH, [email protected] Optimization of Testing Methodologies for the Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Clinical Specimens for a Biomonitoring Surveillance Study C. Dingman, K. Aviado, J. Schneider, J. Chithalen and C. Bean, New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories The Tracking and Assessment of Chemical Exposures (TrACE) Study is BiomonitoringNH’s statewide initiative that will provide baseline data to assess long term and acute environmental chemical exposures to NH’s residents. The method optimization process used to analyze the low levels of chemical toxins found in human biological specimens that are required for analytical quantitation is lengthy and constantly evolving, but essential for producing robust exposure data. The analyte panels for the TrACE Study were chosen based on exposures expected to be found in NH’s environment and include panels for three sets of metals and three groups of organic pollutants. Focusing on the organic pollutant analytes, we have a panel to monitor exposure of 14 short and long-chain perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from industrial contamination, cotinine from tobacco, and 10 pesticide metabolites from agriculture. All three panels undergo various steps of sample cleanup prior to analysis via high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). In this study, we describe the optimization of three diverse sample preparation techniques for low- level analysis of our target analytes including automation, sensitivity, runtime, and recovery. The sample preparation techniques for each of the panels are vastly different but all three have the same objective: a clean analytical extract void of interferences from matrix effects and a high, consistent recovery. The exposure data collected from the TrACE Study is valuable for the participants who receive their individual results and follow-up options. Likewise, the general population also benefits from the aggregate data that will be used by our state public health epidemiologists and The New Hampshire State Legislature to better identify new exposure events, inform policy recommendations, prioritize limited public health funds, and produce educational materials for New Hampshire’s citizens. Presenter: Carleen V. Dingman, New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories, Concord, NH, Email: [email protected] Serum Concentration of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) from New Jersey State-Wide Biomonitoring Study: 2015–2018 S. Du, N. Patterson, C. Chu, C.D. Riker, C.H. Yu and Z. Fan, New Jersey Department of Health Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent pollutants and detectable amounts are constantly found in blood of most populations that have been examined. As part of efforts of New Jersey Department of Health State Biomonitoring program, forty ortho-substituted Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are measured in serum samples collected from New Jersey residence using high- resolution gas chromatography/isotope-dilution high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/ID-HRMS). The objectives of this study are to characterize the concentration level and pattern of PCBs in New Jersey residence by age, gender and ethnicity and identify major exposure factors. The lipid adjusted median concentration of the sum of 40 PCB congeners (ΣPCBs) (N=600) was 168 ng/g Summer 2019 LAB MATTERS 43