environmental health
Unlike members of the non-nuclear
public health system who interact
frequently during disease outbreak
investigations, radiological responders do
not often connect with their counterparts
at other facilities except in radiological
events like the nuclear melt-down in
Fukushima. They rarely participate in
preparedness exercises for out-of-state
or international events.
Connections among public health
radiation protection, radiation laboratories
and federal partners will only improve the
speed and accuracy of communications
among states. The meeting allowed
us to build relationships and discuss
the elements of a Memorandum of
Understanding to guide radiological public
health system responses.
Our advice for other environmental health
laboratories working to address system
issues is simple: talk to people. Talk to
your environmental laboratory director
Participants at the WA PHL meeting work together to
determine priority items for the WA-OR-CA Memorandum of
Understanding for radiological testing
and your public health laboratory director
who know the system and its participants.
Talk with your peers through APHL, the US
EPA’s Environmental Response Laboratory
Network (ERLN) or other professional
organizations. And talk to federal partners
to see what resources they can bring
to the table. Our environmental health
system is held together by clear, concise
communication. n
Bud Taylor, WA PHL radiation safety officer, provides a
tour of the WA PHL radiochemistry testing facilities to
meeting participants
Summer 2018 LAB MATTERS