Lab Matters Summer 2017 | Page 20

quality systems With Assessments from Coast to Coast, L-SIP Increases Impact By Bertina Su, MPH, senior specialist, Quality Systems The Laboratory System Improvement Program (L-SIP) saw an increase in participation in April and May 2017 with four state public health laboratory systems convening an L-SIP assessment and one an L-SIP reassessment. L-SIP gives state and local public health laboratory systems an opportunity to convene a one-day assessment with system partners and stakeholders, such as representatives from environmental health, epidemiology, communications and public safety, to identify system strengths and opportunities for improvement. During these assessments, facilitators guide participants through the questions in the L-SIP assessment tool, which is divided into sections that correspond to the 10 Essential Public Health Services. 1 Laboratory systems use the information gathered from the assessment for strategic planning, quality improvement and other needed interventions. Radley Remo, L-SIP coordinator from the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Laboratories, came away from his state’s assessment as an enthusiastic supporter: “If your state hasn’t completed an L-SIP assessment, I would encourage you to do so. APHL made it so easy to coordinate. They walked us through the whole process from pre-planning to the assessment report, provided technical assistance and helped with identifying facilitators. I was amazed at the quality feedback our partners provided from the L-SIP assessment. It gave us great insight on what the system needs to do to improve and identified partners that will help make it happen.” APHL will provide updates on post-assessment quality improvement activities in future issues of Lab Matters, the L-SIP Update newsletter and Quality Improvement Forum calls. ■ L-SIP Assessments • Mississippi Public Health Laboratory: April 6, 2017 • Idaho Bureau of Laboratories: May 2, 2017 • Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Public Health Laboratories: May 3, 2017 • Illinois Department of Public Health Laboratory: May 11, 2017 L-SIP Reassessment • New Mexico Department of Health, Scientific Laboratory Division: May 11, 2017 In the recent round of assessments, participants identified system strengths as Essential Service #2: Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community (four out of five sites) and #7: Link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable (three out of five sites). Participants determined that improvements were needed under Essential Service #8: Assure competent public and personal health care workforce (three out of five sites) and #10: Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems (three out of five sites). Once notes from the assessments are compiled, laboratory system partners will consider ways to address gaps in performance. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “The Public Health System and the 10 Essential Public Health Services.” essentialservices.html 1  18 LAB MATTERS Summer 2017 PublicHealthLabs @APHL