Lab Matters Summer 2017 | Page 17

feature is located) and for the City of Coralville, which made a small, but symbolically important contribution to CALS via tax increment financing. This initial support was sufficient to capture the attention of local legislators, who secured $1 million in state funding for the project. The University of Iowa then agreed to make up the shortfall, and CALS was completed in 2014. The problem that sometimes arises for PHLs, however, is that some public health services, such as routine disease surveillance, have no clear-cut constituency. The Minnesota PHL, for example, relies on federal funding for about 45% of its budget overall, but a whopping 85% of its infectious disease testing. You can fund the work of the PHL or you can ignore it and accept the risks that ignoring it brings.” APHL’s Kyriacopoulos uses a timely analogy. He points out that London firefighters were stymied during that city’s catastrophic Grenfell Tower inferno because the fire department budget had been gutted. He said, “You can fund the work of the PHL or you can ignore it and accept the risks that ignoring it brings.” In addition to successes, that’s a story worth telling too. ■ Whelen said, “The bottom line is: we do what we’re resourced to do. And if the current administration decides that certain things are not going to be resourced, we stop doing them. It’s as simple as that.” SHL limnologist Todd Hubbard (right) sorts debris and critters gathered from an Iowa stream as a University of Iowa producer videotapes his work. Photo courtesy of the State Hygenic Laboratory at the University of Iowa Attention Member Labs! APHL Now Offers Communications Coaching! Stakeholders need the information and perspective of public health laboratorians to make sound decisions about public health services and funding, but with anti-government and anti-science sentiments running high these days, making the case for your lab’s achievements can be tough. Our free coaching includes instruction and real-life examples to help your lab: • Identify communication goals and audiences • Develop effective communication strategies • Develop messages Need assistance crafting messages that can cut through the noise? APHL is here to help! For more information, contact Jody DeVoll, director of Strategic Communications, at [email protected] or 240.485.2753. PublicHealthLabs @APHL Summer 2017 LAB MATTERS 15