Lab Matters Spring 2021 | Page 10

DEI Terms and Concepts

DEI Terms and Concepts

Ally vs . Advocate : A person who stands up in support for people from underrepresented or marginalized groups . An ally works to support people outside of their own group , whereas an advocate speaks up for themselves and members of their identity group .
Implicit Bias vs . Explicit Bias : Implicit , or unconscious bias , is accidental , subtle and / or unintended judgments about certain groups of people influenced by culture , background and personal experiences formed outside of our own conscious awareness . Explicit bias is intentional judgment about certain people or groups of people based on one ’ s known prejudices , attitudes and beliefs . These positive or negative ideations are overt and purposeful .
Race vs . Ethnicity : Race is an arbitrary classification of people by shared interests , habits or characteristics , including physical appearance , cultural affiliation and cultural history . Ethnicity is a social group that shares common and distinctive characteristics such as culture , religion , language , values , behavioral patterns , history and ancestral geographic base .
Gender vs . Sex : Gender is a description of one ’ s internal state of being , which is not limited to the traditional gender binary of only male and female . Gender is a spectrum that includes a variety of different nonbinary identities , including those outside of male and female . Sex is based on a person ’ s biological sex characteristics , and is a spectrum that includes a variety of sexes much larger than just male or female , based on biological differences .
Micro aggression vs . Micro affirmation :
Micro aggressions are brief and commonplace verbal , behavioral , or environmental indignities , whether intentional or unintentional , that communicate hostile , derogatory or negative insults which occur whenever people are perceived to be “ different .” Micro affirmations are small acts of opening doors to opportunity and gestures of inclusion and caring that occur whenever people wish to help others succeed .
Cultural competence : The ability to interact effectively with people from different cultures . This ability depends on awareness of one ’ s own cultural worldview , knowledge of other cultural practices and worldviews , tolerant attitudes towards cultural differences and cross-cultural skills .
Tolerance : Acceptance and open-mindedness to different practices , attitudes and cultures ; does not necessarily mean agreement with the differences .
Discrimination : Unequal treatment of members of various groups based on race , gender , social class , sexual orientation , disability , religion and other categories .
Social Justice : A state in which the distribution of resources is equitable and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure .
Accessibility : The extent to which a workplace , system or product is readily approachable and usable by individuals with disabilities .
For more DEI resources , visit www . aphl . org / DEI
The interviewees also called out positive experiences in their workplaces , including many welcoming colleagues , being asked their personal pronouns , observation of Juneteenth as a paid holiday and being able to receive schedule accommodations for religious observances . Some described their laboratory as one of the most diverse places they had worked .
To encourage more of these kinds of conversations in more laboratories , the ELP cohort has produced infographics that summarize numerous tools and resources public health laboratory leaders and staff can use to move closer to achieving diversity , equity and inclusion within their own laboratories . The information defines key terms and offers strategies to improve DEI through four main areas : education and awareness , allyship and advocacy , mentoring and recruitment .
“ The first step is acknowledging that there are differences and what they are . And that ’ s where I hope our infographic can start those conversations ,” said Shannon Griffin , a Cincinnati-based biologist with the US Environmental Protection Agency ’ s Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment , who helped lead the ELP infographic project . Fostering intentional discussions can help people learn to see value in each other ’ s differences , opening the door to being able to recognize and counter implicit biases and microaggressions . The cohort also focused on concrete tips and resources for laboratory leadership , such as ways to reduce bias in job ads , candidate screening and interviews .
Allies in Training
DEI concepts may already be familiar to recent public health trainees , since many are already integrated into academic training in public health . The Council on Education for Public Health , the accrediting body for public health schools and programs in the US , includes diversity and cultural competence among the core competencies required for students in these programs .
“ Students who graduate from our programs [ should be ] able to understand and articulate the ways in which systems of oppression , like structural racism , result in the health inequities that
8 LAB MATTERS Spring 2021
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