Lab Matters Spring 2019 | Page 38

FELLOWS Fellowship Programs Prepare for Incoming Fellows and Celebrate Successes of Past Fellows by Heather Roney, MA, manager, Fellowship Programs The Antimicrobial Resistance (AR) Laboratory Fellowship is completing recruitment for the 2019 cohort. Fellows will be placed in the regional laboratories of the AR Lab Network, the National TB Center and up to three state public health laboratories. Fellows will be expected to start in summer 2019. 2017 AR Fellows Kelsey Florek and Marisabel Etter were offered and accepted full-time positions at their host laboratories. Dr. Florek was hired as a bioinformatician at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, building on the great work she completed during her fellowship to strengthen sequencing capability and capacity. Dr. Etter will work as a public health microbiologist in the Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Herpes Viruses section at the Microbial Diseases Laboratory of the California Department of Public Health, where she will continue to advance her knowledge of public health laboratory science in pursuit of a leadership position within public health. The Bioinformatics Fellowship has completed recruitment for the 2019 cohort. Selected fellows will be matched with state and local public health laboratories and the CDC. 2018 Bioinformatics Fellow Curtis Kapsak accepted a position at a consulting firm working as a bioinformatician in the CDC Enteric Diseases Laboratory Branch.  His fellowship at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment prepared him for this position where he will continue to work in public health. n Former APHL fellows were a huge presence as both students and faculty at the January AMD Academy Intermediate Bioinformatics Training for microbiologists. (From l-r:) former Bioinformatics Fellows Logan Fink, Kevin Libuit and Sean Wang; former Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory Fellow Jade Mowry; and former AR Fellows Victoria Stone and Jennifer Dale This SHIP? R E B M E M UR APHL O Y ou renew! W y E s N s E le R n u U s r O Matte DID Y SUE of Lab T IS is your L AS day! o t p i h s r e b r mem u o y w e n e r and Take action ○ ○ phone: 1 By .485.2733 240 fax: 2 By 0.485.2700 24 ip : Membersh 36 ○ mail: 3 By L APH ership uite 700 S c/o Memb , e u n e v rgia A 8515 Geo D 20910 M , g in r p Silver S AT TN LAB MATTERS Spring 2019 PublicHealthLabs @APHL