Lab Matters Spring 2019 | Page 15

FOOD SAFETY References 1. FDA. BAM 19b: Molecular Detection of Cyclospora cayetanensis in Fresh Produce Using Real-Time PCR. (2017). https:// LaboratoryMethods/ucm073638.htm Accessed April 2, 2019. 2. FDA. (2018). FDA Investigation of Multistate Outbreak of Cyclospora Illnesses Linked to Del Monte Vegetable Trays Ends. RecallsOutbreaksEmergencies/Outbreaks/ ucm610982.htm Accessed April 2, 2019. In FY 2018, FDA sampled fresh herbs, specifically basil, parsley and cilantro. FDA ORA laboratories tested these domestic and imported products for Salmonella and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). FDA also added the newly developed Cyclospora method to this sampling assignment, as past Cyclosporiasis outbreaks were linked to imported produce, including basil and cilantro. company has since reported that it has changed suppliers of its salad mix in the affected states. While the two outbreaks do not seem to be related, the scope of these outbreaks show the timeliness of FDA’s new method for confirming the parasite’s presence and contributing to food recalls. FDA Sampling Assignment FDA routinely conducts sampling assignments that assess microbial contamination in targeted food commodities in response to previous outbreaks and environmental signals. For a specified time period, FDA collects and tests a selected group(s) of foods, both domestic and imported, to better characterize microbial risk. In FY 2018, FDA sampled fresh herbs, specifically basil, parsley and cilantro. FDA ORA laboratories tested these domestic and imported products for Salmonella and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). FDA also added the newly developed Cyclospora method to this sampling assignment, as past Cyclosporiasis outbreaks were linked to imported produce, including basil and cilantro. PublicHealthLabs @APHL In August 2018, FDA reported 6 two samples of imported cilantro that were positive for C. cayetanensis. The imported shipments associated with the positive sample were refused entry into the US. Additionally, FDA confirmed the presence of the parasite in a domestically produced cilantro sample. FDA initiated an investigation into the domestic producer, and another sample taken from the farm was positive. FDA worked with state officials and the producer to initiate a voluntary recall and worked on corrective actions with the farm to reduce further contamination. 3. CDC. (2018). Multistate Outbreak of Cyclosporiasis Linked to Del Monte Fresh Produce Vegetable Trays – United States, 2018: Final Update. https:// outbreaks/2018/a-062018/index.html Accessed April 2, 2019. 4. CDC. (2018). Multistate Outbreak of Cyclosporiasis Linked to Fresh Express Salad Sold as McDonald’s Restaurants – United States, 2018: Final Update. https:// outbreaks/2018/b-071318/index.html Accessed April 2, 2019. 5. FDA. (2018). FDA Investigation of a Multistate Outbreak of Cyclospora Illnesses Linked to Fresh Express Salad Mix Served at McDonald’s Ends. RecallsOutbreaksEmergencies/Outbreaks/ ucm613513.htm Accessed April 2, 2019. 6. FDA. (2018). FDA Sampling Assignment Update Identifies Cyclospora in Herbs. ConstituentUpdates/ucm618781.htm Accessed April 2, 2019. This was the first confirmed evidence of Cyclospora in domestic produce. FDA was able to remove the contaminated product from the food supply, possibly preventing human illness. FDA plans to train staff and deploy the Cyclospora detection method to additional laboratories in the coming year. With more laboratories able to perform investigative and surveillance testing for this parasite, and with federal and state regulatory partners willing to take action on the results of this fully validated test, the US food supply will be that much safer. n Spring 2019 LAB MATTERS 13