APHL 2024 POSTER ABSTRACTS operation of systems in the future . The ELC / COVID-19 funding was crucial in building infrastructure and modernizing systems , but these funds were distributed on a one-time basis . As new technologies and functionalities emerge , PHLs and health departments will need to retain their current capacity and ability to adapt for these improvements to be sustained and continually modernized .
Presenter : Alyssa Harvey , thy8 @ cdc . gov
Successful LIMS Implementation - What Does it Take ?
M . Yost-Daljev 1 , E . Hopkins 2 , O . Adair 3 , J Michael Consulting 1 , Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services 2 , South Carolina Dept . of Health and Environmental Control 3
Modernization of informatics infrastructure is a key initiative to creating an adaptable and sustainable public health laboratory capable of responding to public health threats . A primary component of the laboratory informatics infrastructure is its laboratory information management system ( LIMS ). As laboratories ’ requirements and priorities change over time , they may need to implement a new LIMS to adequately support their mission . A successful LIMS implementation requires a significant effort from the laboratory and can be a drain on resources . Managing this change requires an understanding of the staffing requirements for the implementation as well as a clear definition of roles and accountabilities . Laboratories also need to consider their communication needs internal to the laboratory as well as with external partners . Ensuring that all collaborators are aware and supportive of the implementation and the timeline will streamline the implementation process . Project management and documentation are also key components of the process that will be required to sustain the implementation in the event of staff turnover and meet regulatory requirements .
Presenter : Tim Longo , tlongo @ jmichael-consulting . com
Method Development of a Qualitative Analysis for the Testing of Drugs of Abuse By UHPLC-MS / MS In Human Urine .
N . Nebeolisa 1 , D . Wene 1 , L . Zhong 1 , S . O ’ Leary 1 , T . Fan 2 , New Jersey Public Health Environmental Laboratories 1 , New Jersey Department of Health 2
One of the leading causes of injury-related death in America is drug overdoses , with many attributed to polysubstance abuse . To combat the national overdose crisis , the CDC has developed the Overdose Data to Action ( OD2A ) project to compile data on trends and characteristics for both fatal and nonfatal drug overdoses in 49 states across the country . The objective of the OD2A project is to utilize biosurveillance data to develop evidence-informed interventions , response programs and strategies to reduce overdoses and health disparities in the United States .
The New Jersey Public Health Laboratories , in collaboration with the New Jersey Office of Opioid Policy Response and CDC , are developing a method for testing drugs of abuse . The method identifies 61 substances recommended by the CDC and experts , including opioids , stimulants , benzodiazepines , antidepressants , cannabinoids and hallucinogens , in remnant urine samples from patients who are admitted to the hospital for nonfatal overdoses . The following must be established to validate this method : 1 ) analyte separation by liquid chromatography to obtain retention times , 2 ) Analyte optimization by tandem mass spectrometry and 3 ) establish analyte sensitivity and reporting thresholds .
An Agilent 1290 UHPLC - 6495C MS / MS ( Ultra High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometer ) was used for analyte separation , utilizing a phenyl-hexyl column ( Agilent 3 x 100 mm 2.7μm ). Mobile phases A : B consisted of water with 0.1 % formic acid ( FA ) and methanol with 0.1 % FA , with a gradient program .
Sample preparation is done by aliquoting 50 μL of the samples into 50 μL of the stock . The samples are then centrifuged before being extracted and transferred into vials with 120 μL of 50 % MeOH / Water and 0.01 % FA solution and 40 μL of surrogate for direct injection . This produces a 10x dilution of the analytes . The instrument injects 10 μL of the sample for testing .
The analytes were adequately separated by the UHPLC-MS / MS and established retention times and precursor / product ion pairs . Precursors to product transitions were also selected to allow for optimal detection . All analytes were distinguished by baseline separation or by m / z ratio and were detected down to levels of 0.25 ng / ml . The lab was initially challenged to reduce background noise to levels that enhance sensitivity and selectivity . The laboratory established the analytical cutoff for the method at approximately 0.25 ng / ml , which is five times the signal-noise ratio . The overall range of the method will be validated between 0.25 and 100 ng / ml .
The CT laboratory was successful in optimizing and analyzing all 61 standards . Surrogates were also utilized in the method to improve accuracy and precision . Shipment and DEA approval of the substances led to delays in the development process . Still , as the analytes were received , the CT lab utilized the method to identify each drug accurately within the matrix . The CT lab is currently undergoing validation and developing a standard operating procedure for the method . Once approved , the CT lab will receive specimens from two participating hospitals for testing . The data collected through this method will provide the CDC and participating hospitals with further information surrounding the overdose crisis .
Presenter : Nkemdili Nebeolisa , nkemdili . nebeolisa @ doh . nj . gov
New Hampshire Public Health Surveillance of Opioids in Non-Fatal Overdoses
B . Niemi , M . Chatterjee , K . Aviado , B . Wallace , New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories
New Hampshire has one of the highest rates of drug overdose deaths in the United States , largely driven by opioids . According to data from the NH Department of Health and Human Services , opioid overdoses accounted for 47 % of all unintentional injury deaths , including 73 % of unintentional deaths among 18-34 year olds between January and March 2023 . In response to this current opioid epidemic , the New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories ( NH PHL ), as part of a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ), has developed a qualitative
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