Arbovirus Testing continued from page 29
information management system ( LIMS ) was underway along with building out the BioPortal , the custom-made electronic test orders and results ( ETOR ) portal created by PRDH during COVID-19 , to improve data entry and streamline reporting . With no shortage of activities for the laboratory scientists leading this transition extra pressure was added as cases of dengue virus started to rise at the start of the year , well before the “ typical ” season of June-December .
Meanwhile the leadership of PRDH was busy updating their arbovirus response plan and wanted to ensure that all relevant agencies were aware of the current dengue situation and the mechanisms for response within and across their sectors . APHL , in coordination with PRDH and CDC , facilitated a tabletop exercise in mid-April that included over 100 attendees representing the federal and territorial epidemiology and public health laboratories , vector control , healthcare systems and hospitals , communications , leadership from municipalities and other territorial departments including Education , Agriculture , Housing and Tourism . The meeting allowed all partners to identify triggers for surge and surge capacity and areas requiring additional attention during a response setting them up for a successful response .
As the public health laboratory completes the final touches of validating their testing , informing their submitters and working out any final challenges in their test orders and results process , they will become a critical aspect of the overall PRDH arbovirus response plan — not only for this year but for years to come . g
Laboratory Response Network continued from page 34
ensure they have safe and secure facilities , procure instrumentation and associated maintenance agreements ; military laboratories use the DoD resources to support their LRN activities .
• Invests in public health workforce – federal funds support personnel at the state , territorial and local levels .
• Provides training to ensure a highly skilled workforce .
• Provides technical assistance such as troubleshooting scientific assays and equipment .
• Provides standardized protocols and tests .
• Uses advanced technologies , which continue to evolve .
• Provides standardized data messaging with laboratory results that contribute to sound public health decisions .
• Uses a specific system for communications and provides help desk support to member laboratories .
• Utilizes a secure website to house materials , which can be accessed by member laboratories .
• Invests in continuous quality improvements such as conducting multi-center evaluations of assays , issuing challenge panels , seeking feedback on operations from laboratories , providing scientific and policy guidance to laboratories , and collecting and sharing model practices .
• Promotes partnerships by convening member laboratories via routine conference calls , technical and national meetings ; and by engaging with subject matter experts across the federal agencies to ensure scientific integrity .
To learn more about the LRN , visit : Laboratory Response Network ( aphl . org ). g
36 LAB MATTERS Fall 2024
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