Lab Matters Fall 2024 | Page 35


Expert training at your fingertips !

The Association of Public Health Laboratories ( APHL ) is thrilled to officially launch the APHL Learning Center ( ALC ) with over 100 professional development opportunities and growing !
The ALC is APHL ’ s new learning management system that offers high quality educational activities on a variety of topics in convenient formats , from laboratory-specific resources to those serving the broader public health community . You can search for and enroll in training , complete evaluations and manage your certificates all in one place .

Take advantage of the APHL Learning Center to access on-demand trainings and resources to strengthen your public health laboratory work .

learn . aphl . org

Begin by browsing the course catalog to view all available trainings . When you are ready to enroll , use your APHL credentials to sign in and access your training . If you ’ re new to APHL , create a free account to enroll in our professional development opportunities .
APHL . org
Fall 2024 LAB MATTERS 33