Lab Matters Fall 2024 | Page 13

APHL Newborn Screening Symposium


20 + Scientific Sessions and 100 + Posters Learn about new technology , trends and issues regarding a variety of topics in newborn screening and genetics .
Networking Reconnect with old friends and meet new ones ! Get inspired by your peers . Renew excitement about your science , your work , your mission and public health .


October 20 – 24 , 2024 • Omaha , NE

Join your colleagues in October for learning , networking , discussion and inspiration !

Find out more and register at www . aphl . org / nbs2024

Continuing Education Credits Earn P . A . C . E . ® , CME , CNE , CHES , CPH and Genetic Counselor credits .
25 + Exhibitors Discover new products and services , and speak directly with industry partners and company reps .
Parent / Patient Panel Hear compelling personal accounts of how newborn screening impacts the lives of families . Follow their journeys from screening and diagnosis to treatment and management .
APHL Newborn Screening Awards Recognize your colleagues for their amazing accomplishments during the Newborn Screening Awards event .
Fun and Engaging Activities Unwind with your newborn screening friends at events such as the welcome reception , Ignite session and the Revvity off-site social .

About the Symposium

The APHL Newborn Screening Symposium is an annual international gathering of more than 600 public health professionals that includes exhibits featuring the latest in laboratory technology and newborn screening systems practice .
The symposium addresses state , national and international newborn screening , genetic testing and policy issues important to public health newborn screening systems . Topics include molecular technologies , current and upcoming conditions , quality improvement , communicating with families and the public , and short- and long-term follow-up .
Participants enhance their knowledge of national and international newborn screening and genetics as related to emerging laboratory techno logies , follow-up , candidate conditions , quality improvement and clinical outcomes .
APHL . org
Fall 2024 LAB MATTERS 11