Lab Matters Fall 2024 | Page 120

Methods : Utilizing the cost accounting tool , we estimated potential Salmonella specimen processing costs in a representative public health laboratory . The costs were broken down into five components : transportation , supplies , laboratory and administrative personnel , equipment and overhead costs . This tool allowed for a wide variety of sample processing procedures and associated costs , covering sampling , accessioning , culture growth , DNA extraction , sample loading , analysis and reporting . The tool ’ s output includes the estimated yearly throughput in terms of total specimens processed and the calculated cost per sample or per run . Sensitivity analyses were incorporated to address uncertainties in parameters and cost data .
Results : Given the cost data of a representative laboratory and the sample processing procedure , we estimated a total cost at $ 1,610 / sample processed . Of the total costs , personnel cost was highest ( 36 %) followed by equipment cost ( 35 %), overhead cost ( 17 %), supplies cost ( 7 %) and transportation cost ( 5 %).
Conclusion : The laboratory cost accounting tool , which can be obtained from CDC for free , enables the quantification of total costs per specimen , offering insights into major cost categories and uncertainties . Conducting a thorough cost analysis of sample processing is invaluable for both laboratorians and public health decision-makers to improve laboratory efficiency and inform funding decisions and resource utilization .
Presenter : Bishwa Adhikari , bia6 @ cdc . gov
Multi-faceted Supply Chain Modernization for Public Health Laboratories
T . Pham , M . Korth , S . Bsharah , R . Winschel , A . Cristillo , P . Zaprudsky , Guidehouse
The rapid spread of COVID-19 infections and the need to provide widespread diagnostic testing across the US population at the beginning of the pandemic resulted in major laboratory supply chain limitations . A survey conducted by the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine found that 55-65 % of respondent laboratories were unable to obtain critical supplies , including reagents and test kits during the height of the pandemic . These issues were further exacerbated by staffing shortages and together , challenge the ability for laboratories to effectively operate , respond and scale to public health emergency events .
Guidehouse addresses the major supply chain issues and resulting operational challenges experienced by laboratories during public health emergencies , particularly during the COVID pandemic . Through Guidehouse ’ s diverse experience across public and commercial sector health organizations , we synthesize and share our perspectives and lessons learned around supply chain modernization , data and systems modernization and workforce development practices and how they can be leveraged by public health laboratories to enhance its operational resilience during critical events . This includes :
• Assessment of advanced technology , such as digital twins , to simulate laboratory supply processes , including coldchain logistics and identify potential material shortages or fluctuations , bottlenecks , inefficiencies and risks before they occur . This technical evolution is being instituted for industry supply chain management and can lead to better planning and resource allocation , ultimately resulting in increased efficiency and reduced costs .
• Public health data modernization considerations focused on the laboratory ’ s needs that are unique ( i . e ., specimen processing , electronic ordering and resulting , etc .) and those that are shared across a public health organization ( i . e ., systems integration , standardized data exchange , etc .). This can help public health laboratories frame large data modernization efforts to their specific activities , including monitoring supply inventories .
• Multiple strategies to build , scale , train and retain workforce for laboratory operations , including competencies to manage laboratory supply chain and / or testing capacity shortages . This can include technical or analytic capabilities that may help forecast shortages based on workforce and supply availabilities .
Presenter : Meredith Korth , mkorth @ guidehouse . com
Use of Training and Functional Drills to Improve Response to Medical Emergencies in the Laboratory
S . Schatzman , E . Dietrich , M . Dillon , J . Petersen , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Responding to medical emergencies in a Biosafety Level 3 Select Agent Laboratory presents a challenge due to biocontainment and biosecurity measures . Access to these laboratory spaces is restricted , therefore there is a heavy reliance on laboratory workers to evacuate an incapacitated person . Recently , CDC ’ s Bacterial Diseases Branch Diagnostics and Reference Team , which provides reference testing for Yersinia pestis and Francisella tularensis , performed a person down drill to gain experience and identify areas for improvement . We approached this by engaging all laboratorians on the team in brainstorming sessions and performing a tabletop exercise , followed by a drill in a designated training laboratory . We acquired a life like rescue mannequin to allow a safe way for laboratorians to gain experience moving an incapacitated individual . We developed emergency kits containing drag blankets , trauma shears and doorstops to assist with rapid removal of personal protective equipment and evacuation of laboratory spaces . We communicated our plans for a drill to building safety leadership and security personnel to ensure coordination . A hot wash was conducted with all participants following the drill to identify strengths and areas for future improvement . Participants affirmed that the entire process was valuable and improved their comfort with potentially responding to a real-life medical emergency . The decontamination and evacuation time for the person down was rapid and enhanced by use of the tools provided in the emergency kit . A challenge identified was the lack of familiarity of staff with the training lab space and differences to their operational laboratory space . Recommendations for future drills include familiarizing staff with tools and training lab spaces prior to the drill , broadening the drill to incorporate first responders on site and developing general medical evacuation guidance to assist laboratory staff . This experience and the emergency tools implemented may be helpful to other laboratories preparing for medical emergencies .
Presenter : Sabrina Schatzman , qan6 @ cdc . gov
118 LAB MATTERS Fall 2024
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