Lab Matters Fall 2023 | Page 84

inventory forecasting . During the COVID-19 pandemic , The New Jersey Public Health and Environmental Laboratories ( PHEL ) joined the NJ Department of Health ’ s existing emergency preparedness inventory management system , namely iCAM , in response to supply chain uncertainty and to build an integrated , robust inventory management system at the lab . We evaluated how iCAM is used and its impact on improving inventory management at PHEL and implemented inventory forecasting through advanced data analytics to increase our preparedness for future surge events . The iCAM system helps to enhance inventory visibility by informing the inventory quantity , location , expiration date as well as other product details . We also implemented point-of-use technology such as handheld devices to ensure a more accurate count of what is on hand and minimize human errors . So far , 30 % of the lab has been onboarded to the system to manage their inventories ; 18,175,770 individual items worth more than $ 100 million have been processed through the system . Furthermore , we used data that we generated in the system to set PAR levels , identify and order commonly used items , and forecast inventory demands for select items through data analytics . Cycle counting was also incorporated into inventory management to confirm that physical inventory counts match inventory records in iCAM . In conclusion , iCAM helped to increase the visibility of inventories and improve inventory management at PHEL . With the integration of predictive analytics , we can make data-driven interventions earlier and avoid supply chain interruptions .
Presenter : Satyam Patel , satyam . patel @ doh . nj . gov
The Laboratory Response Network in Action : 2022 Preparedness and Response Activities
R . Rahmat , J . Sutton , Association of Public Health Laboratories
The Laboratory Response Network ( LRN ) was established in 1999 as a collaborative effort between the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ), Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ), the Department of Defense ( DoD ) and the Association of Public Health Laboratories ( APHL ) and functions as a robust network of state and local public health , federal , military , and international laboratories that prepare for and respond to emerging public health threats . The LRN for Biological Threats Preparedness ( LRN-B ) supports our nation ’ s public health laboratory system for biological threats and emerging infectious diseases ( e . g ., Ebola ). In 2022 , the LRN-B was leveraged to coordinate response to the international Mpox virus outbreak and simultaneously brought on testing capacity to prepare for Sudan Ebolavirus , an outbreak in Uganda that emerged in September . In addition , the LRN continued to implement operational improvements . The new LRN Secure Information Hub launched , a more user-friendly website for the LRN , and member laboratories focused on enhancing technology and data exchange capabilities by participating in multicenter evaluation studies , exploring whole genome sequencing for biological threat agents and implementing Electronic Laboratory Reporting ( ELR ) for more efficient and rapid exchange of high-quality data . Member LRN-B laboratories continue to build on their capabilities and capacity while working in tandem with CDC and other partners to prepare for and respond to biological threats and emerging infectious diseases . This poster will highlight the LRN in action and describe how LRN-B laboratories navigated responses to simultaneous disease outbreaks in 2022 while also implementing strategies to prepare for future emerging threats .
Presenter : Rana Rahmat , rana . rahmat @ aphl . org
The National Special Pathogen System of Care : How Partnerships with a Care Delivery Network Can Improve Care Coordination and Outcomes in High Consequence Infectious Disease Events
S . Schwedhelm 1 , P . Iwen 2 , A . Parra 3 ; 1 National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center , University of Nebraska Medical Center ’ s Global Center for Health Security ; 2 Nebraska Public Health Laboratory ; 3 Deloitte Consulting , LLP
Background : Recent challenges during high consequence infectious disease ( HCID ) outbreaks have created an urgency to transform healthcare preparedness and response . At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic , the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response ( ASPR ) called on the National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center ( NETEC ) to leverage their expertise to address these challenges . NETEC has since engaged over 100 experts across the healthcare continuum , including clinicians , government leaders , and professional associations , to design and begin to implement a National Special Pathogen System of Care ( NSPS ). This work culminated in a strategy that calls for the establishment of a Care Delivery Network ( CDN ) within the NSPS to improve access to laboratory testing and other essential resources . Methods : The NSPS is designed to integrate with existing infrastructure ( e . g ., regional health systems , laboratory networks , and forecasting centers ) to strengthen national health care preparedness and response for HCID events . To deliver high-quality , patient and community-centered care to HCID patients in the US , the NSPS will leverage a coordinated and standardized healthcare network . The NSPS will transform the nation ’ s HCID healthcare infrastructure to consistently and equitably provide care while protecting the workforce . Results : Following discussions among the various healthcare experts , a major gap identified during the COVID-19 pandemic was healthcare coordination with laboratories and laboratory networks . To address this issue , a CDN composed of four tiers with varying levels of capacity and capabilities to care for HCID patients was proposed . Suggestions were that this network be organized by regions , where each region will have a combination of facilities from each tier . Each facility in the CDN will thus be equipped for various HCID scenarios and know how best to collaborate with facilities in their region to ensure quality care is delivered . Strategic location of facilities in the CDN closer to public health laboratories for diagnostic testing will ensure that the network is equipped to identify HCIDs and deliver care informed by timely laboratory testing . Conclusion : Collaboration between existing networks and the NSPS will be vital to improving the nation ’ s healthcare preparedness and response capability in future outbreaks . This poster will detail the NSPS operating model , the gaps the NSPS should address , how the NSPS is prioritizing equity and collaboration strategies with existing networks to form a CDN for HCID preparedness and response .
Presenter : Peter Iwen , piwen @ unmc . edu
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