Lab Matters Fall 2023 | Page 25

Applying for Your State ’ s SRF
The Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities , a non-profit that represents the state revolving funds , recommends the following steps when applying for your state ’ s SRF :
1 . Check your state ’ s SRF funding status , read your state ’ s intended use plan , and determine the contaminant ( s ) of emerging concern on which your state is focusing .
2 . Determine if your laboratory might be able to get smaller amounts of sustained funding through the DWSRF program management , local assistance and / or SRF administration set-asides . A handful of laboratories have been able to establish annual funds through these set-asides from 1 – 60 % of the set-asides , or for specific dollar amounts of $ 50,000 – 300,000 . Working with their state drinking water programs that receive DWSRF dollars , state laboratories have dedicated these funds to special projects , equipment , supplies , staff salary and other laboratory needs . 3 . Reach out to the clean water and drinking water SRF managers in your state to determine how to apply and what your laboratory may be eligible for .
4 . Determine the application ’ s deadlines and requirements — it differs among states ! You should be able to apply for this funding through 2026 . Technically , you should be able to submit multiple projects in a funding cycle . Your SRF might also need to develop a pipeline of projects to fund in the future to ensure they spend the funds .
5 . Take advantage of the current CWSRF pipeline for laboratory equipment — especially if it is dedicated to emerging contaminants testing ( e . g ., an instrument needed to bring on a new PFAS method ). It ’ s possible the CWSRF might be able to transfer funds over to the drinking water SRF .
6 . Don ’ t get discouraged if your state has never funded a laboratory project ! Be clear about the need to protect your jurisdiction ’ s public health . Be clear about the need that laboratory testing meets to protect your jurisdiction ’ s public health . Please contact sarah . wright @ aphl . org if you need assistance with any of this .


The Public Health Pricing List

The Public Health Pricing List is a membersonly listing of discounts and special offers that APHL negotiates with corporate partners .
you can get special pricing for instruments , service agreements , equipment , testing supplies , PPE and more , from companies such as Bio-Rad , Luminex , Roche Diagnostics , QIAGEN , Promega , SCIEX and Waters .

Check out the savings !

Log in to APHL . org and visit MyAPHL Your Resources > Member Resources > My APHL

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Save Up to 50 %

This list is only available to the APHL member representatives and member associates that have been given membership rights under your lab ’ s APHL membership .
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For more information about the public health pricing list discount offerings , please contact Camille Walker , Manager , Corporate Relations , camille . walker @ aphl . org .
Fall 2023 LAB MATTERS 23