Lab Matters Fall 2022 | Page 19

FROM THE BENCH and public health laboratories considering implementation of freshwater cyanobacteria and cyanotoxin testing . Federal , state and World Health Organization guidelines have been updated , as well as sections on sampling , methods , method limitations , partnerships , reporting and public messaging .
• Partnership members collaborated on “ Ethics Training is Essential for Environmental Laboratories ,” published in the November 2021 issue of Journal AWWA , to emphasize the importance of ethical practices for laboratories producing data used for public health purposes . Proper ethical practices help laboratories provide proof of data accountability and establish acceptable practices for laboratories to produce reliable and defensible data . It highlights steps to be taken to better ensure ethical laboratory practices , such as ethics training , data review , policies , codes of ethics and internal audits . This article , along with other ethics resources , can be found on APHL ’ s Environmental Laboratory Ethics Resources Page .
• In 2022 , members collaborated with the American Public Health Association and American Council of Independent Laboratories on “ The Vital Role of the Environmental Laboratory as Public Health Laboratories ,” published in the March 2022 issue of WE & T . It outlines how state and local environmental , agricultural and food laboratories , and commercial laboratories are all integral parts of the public health system . While not commonly viewed in this light , the COVID-19 pandemic has brought wastewater surveillance to the forefront as a public health tool and has highlighted many other public health-related programs these laboratories participate in . It calls for a shift in this understanding by acknowledging and valuing their role in producing quality data that provide the foundation for public health decision making .
Lab Chats
WEF started Lab Chats in 2021 , connecting laboratory analysts across the United States to discuss a specific analysis . The first Lab Chat , covering total suspended solids , was attended by about 30 WEF members . Analysts were able to describe how they have the total suspended solids ( TSS ) analysis set up in their laboratories as well as ask questions about best practices . APHL members were invited to the second event in May 2022 , which covered biochemical oxygen demand . This event was attended by over 50 WEF and APHL members and saw a high participation level as individuals asked questions and received input from laboratories all over the US . These hourlong events are planned to continue every quarter , and have provided an avenue for scientists to network , share ideas , questions and solutions on how to make processes in their own laboratories more effective .
References :
1 . Adams H , Bennett J , Rhode S , Wichman M , Morin E , Wright S . ( 2021 ). Cyanotoxins : A Guidance Document for Public Health Laboratories . 2nd ed . Association of Public Health Laboratories , Silver Spring , MD . https :// www . aphl . org / aboutAPHL / publications / Documents / EH _ 2021 _ Cyanotoxin _ Guide . pdf
2 . Adams H , Wangsness K , Johnson M , Olund S , Loudon J , Hertz C , Morin E . ( 2021 ) Ethics Training is Essential for Environmental Laboratories . Journal AWWA . 113 ( 9 ): 40-48 . https :// doi . org / 10.1002 / awwa . 1805
3 . Adams H , Morin E , Rhode S , Turner E , Golden Z ., O ’ Neal T , Olund S , Wangsness K , Friedman D , Sanderson A , Bradshaw R , Randolph R , Robb K , Hansen K . ( 2022 ) The Vital Role of the Environmental Laboratory as Public Health Laboratories . Water Environment & Technology . 34 ( 2 ): 32-37 . https :// www . waterenvironmenttechnologydigital . com / waterenvironmenttechnology / march _ 2022 / MobilePagedArticle . action ? articleId = 1771725 # articleId1771725
Water and wastewater industry stakeholders may not always think of themselves as being a part of public health , but their data contributions are vital for protecting public health . The resources that have been produced from this partnership have been circulated to over 145,000 scientists , engineers , consultants , administrators , and water and wastewater system operators . If only a small fraction of these individuals use these resources and start to view their work through a public health lens , the industry will change for the better .
If you have questions , please contact Sarah Wright at sarah . wright @ aphl . org . g
4 . Association of Public Health Laboratories . ( n . d .). Environmental Laboratory Ethics Resources . Retrieved April 26 , 2022 from https :// www . aphl . org / programs / environmental _ health / Pages / Environmental- Laboratory-Ethic-Resources . aspx
5 . Loudon J , Adams H , Siders S , Ray W , Johnson M . ( 2021 , July 8 ). Ethics for the Environmental Laboratory [ Webinar ]. Water Environment Federation . https :// www . wef . org / EnviroLabEthicsJuly21 /
6 . Nappier S , Bhattacharyya S , Gonzalez R , Munakata N , Olstadt J , Babatola A . ( 2016 , August 3 ). Coliphages : What will You Need to Know and How Will Laboratories , the Regulatory Community , and the Public be Impacted ? [ Webinar ]. Water Environment Federation . https :// www . wef . org / resources / online-education / webcasts / ArchivedWebcasts / coliphages-whatyou-need-to-know-and-how-will-laboratories-theregulatory-community-and-the-public-be-impacted /
7 . Turner E , Bennett J , Johnson M , Baker D . ( 2020 , July 16 ). Calculating & Using Method Detection Limits [ Webinar ]. Water Environment Federation . https :// www . wef . org / LabPractices16Jul20 /
Fall 2022 LAB MATTERS 17