Lab Matters Fall 2020 | Page 30

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New Fellows , New Programs

By Heather Roney , MA , manager , Fellowship Programs
APHL ’ s fellowship programs support and increase public health laboratory capabilities through building a dedicated , experienced workforce . And they respond to the changing needs of member laboratories . The COVID-19 pandemic has increased and shifted laboratory priorities and APHL responded by establishing the COVID-19 Laboratory Response Fellowship ( a traditional , year-long appointment to support viral respiratory surveillance projects ) and the COVID-19 Laboratory Associates Program ( a rapid deployment of scientists to meet immediate , shortterm needs of APHL member laboratories ).
In August 2020 , APHL held its first combined virtual orientation for 23 incoming fellows in the Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Fellowship , Bioinformatics Fellowship , COVID-19
Laboratory Response Fellowship , Newborn Screening Bioinformatics and Data Analytics Fellowship and Laessig Newborn Screening Fellowship . It included presentations from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) leadership , overviews of the US public health laboratory system , the COVID-19 response , policy and APHL . Programspecific breakout sessions were led by subject matter experts , and networking exercises encouraged the fellows to meet and interact with each other . Several former APHL fellows now in leadership positions provided advice and inspiration to the new fellows . All fellows are now working in their local , state and CDC host laboratories . n
Does your laboratory need additional personnel to assist with the COVID-19 Pandemic Response ? Consider hosting an APHL-CDC COVID-19 Laboratory Associate .
Associates are available to fill critical roles at all levels of the laboratory response . Tell us what role you need filled — academic background , experience level , and need within your laboratory and we will match your need with our pool of applicants . Associates are available for temporary ( through June 2021 ) full-time assignments . Learn more and apply .
DIGITAL EXTRA : Applications for the 2021-2022 fellowships are open now ! Apply today .

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28 LAB MATTERS Fall 2020
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